
Various sorts of beetle make small headlines about every other summer.  I don’t suppose they’re an issue with a tree this size, but there could be French tardigrades!

Thanks Macron! We’ll try not to let Trump touch it. He probably gave the last one syphilis.

I don’t see a lot of that (on Splinter).  Seems like most people are saying “I prefer X but if it’s got to be Biden we’re still going to vote for him like our lives depend on it”.  ‘Course I’m grey and don’t routinely dive that far into other greys, so maybe I’m just seeing the more optimistic comments.

As much as I hate it, I have to give that exchange to Trump. It’s not even that articulate of a response, but calls out Joe’s weakness perfectly - that he’s really not much beyond “not Trump”.


Very fine person.  Or at least the other side of one.

If you allow exceptions to the rule, you have to allow that anyone can be an exception. That includes the possibility that everyone is an exception, which makes the rule... oh what is the word?  Stupid.

That’s a very nice wish list, but Trump wouldn’t do anything that requires interacting with his successor.  No concession speech, no briefing.  He will either sit in the office and refuse to move until they drag him out, or he will go back to Trump Tower in December and tweet about rigged elections non-stop until

Excellent take. Joe Biden would like to give you an uncomfortable massage.

Does that come into consideration if it’s voluntary?  This isn’t something forced upon inmates, it’s an option to expedite parole.

Maybe an enterprising boozehound could drop them both into a bottle of tequila and sell it for ten bucks a shot.

Capitalism wins!  And it didn’t even have to kill people this time.

This is part of his strategy, though I hesitate to use that word because I believe it’s more an instinctual self-defense mechanism.  Trump always tries to lead the narrative by discrediting reality as quickly as possible - with a tweet or a phone call to Fox News.  Then he reinforces doubt by using vague language -

Business is the bottom line, at least coming from this source and directed at the people responsible for creating the situation.  Alabama Republicans aren’t interested in the morality of reproductive health.  They’ve already made up their minds about that.  The only thing that might sway them to change their mind is

They still suck. A committee issued a contempt charge and the House didn’t vote on it. Barr’s been on double secret probation for a month to no consequence. I’m guessing they won’t vote tomorrow, either, after Barr gives them some heavily redacted documents and they spend the next two months parsing them. Then they’ll

I was confused as well. I believe that the previous contempt came from a committee, but it hasn’t been voted in the House. So he’s not officially in contempt of Congress (and apparently won’t be because he threw a couple more pieces of paper at Nadler). Tomorrow’s vote is scheduled in the House, so that would be his

That’s what I keep thinking - that American made weapons sold to Saudi Arabia are not going to stay over there. We will see them again.

As opposed to now, where tourists prefer Pennsylvania.

And send them free birth control. The likelihood of sexual slavery is up this year.

I’m guessing they’re going with a theory of attrition.  If everyone in the region is dead, no one will be left to be volatile.