
I got covid even while out of work and staying at home 100% of the time. Which means my kids brought it into the house. Which means they had it, with no symptoms whatsoever. Yet my kindergartener has never seen a teacher’s face. He’s on grade level thanks to private school that stayed open. My second and third graders

Calm yourself broski. I’m vaccinated and do the mask thing and everything. Just pointing out that it’s 0.8%. It’s not like everyone’s saying 99% when it’s actually 85%.

Getting vaccinated is obviously good advice, but I don’t understand what the end game is supposed to be on masks and distancing. I could even see waiting for kids to be eligible to be vaccinated, but what if it’s found that the benefits don’t outweigh the risks of vaccination for kids and there is never a vaccine

I’ve never had the flu in my life, and I’m not keeping surfaces perfectly clean. If you subtract the years that I got the flu shot, that’s 40+ years of no flu.

Also from the “not quite that rosy” article:

Because the true number of infections is much larger than just the documented cases, the actual survival rate of all COVID-19 infections is even higher than 98.2%.”

The article does not break down the percentages into age groups or comorbidities. So it’s damn near

I’ve gone a decade or so without getting the flu. I get vaccinated, wash my hands, and keep surfaces around me clean. It just isn’t that hard.

  • Diarrhea and a fever higher than 102°F

For “identity verification” and to sell to advertisers, like most companies do. Just because T-Mobile doesn’t necessarily need it doesn’t mean they don’t want it.

It has happened before.

I like TMobile.  They have been our provider for 16+ years.  That being said...  HAMMER THEM.  These companies need to get their priorities straight and no way does that happen without examples being made.

The problem is in differentiating between what a word actually historically means and how it’s been inappropriately used. A word that is used solely to be demeaning? Sure, stop using it. But other words have been misused and still have their original meanings intact and used properly, and demanding that those words

A bit rubbish of an article, no?

This article alone is offensive in itself because it assumes that everyone talking with those phrases with this “ableist” mentality in the forefront to intentionally be mean towards others.

I will say, trying to bathe a child in a bathtub that has doors is a pain in the butt. So keep that in mind if it might be pertinent to you.

Old shower curtain liners have served me faithfully for many years as painting and DIY-project drop cloths.

The street names not showing up even if one zooms way in is an annoyance.

Any semi-regular Google Maps user should know about all of this. That said, is there any reason to use Google Maps instead of Waze?

I will tell you I have only used the incognito mode of the features you pointed out. The others are the opposite of what I want from a mapping software. I don’t use google maps on my android phone - I use another app, because there is too much clutter on the screen. Literally what I want is a map. I don’t need all the

The company I work for said that they weren’t going to do it because there are issues with how the whole thing works.  The notice that came out said that they had to pay back all the deferred taxes in the first 4 months of 2021.  That will crush some people.

I was looking into this the moment I saw the word “deferred”. A lot of people I talked to didn’t seem to realize that, no, this isn’t “free” money. This is essentially a loan given to you, taken from your own paycheck. I wouldn’t bet on it being forgiven.