
The best use for an old pillow will always be suffocating one’s enemies while grinning from ear to ear at the fact that the last thing they smell is your stale, rotten FUNK...

I did that once and thought it worked great.  It does leave a very rough surface, and the furniture was only good for that one last season. 

If you can wait until January 1st to start or stop doing something, it was never that important.

It’s also a good idea to have a spare pump. Look for one after a big storm and you’ll find nothing but empty shelves.

Absolutely right. As gas is relatively efficient as an energy source, and because so much of electricity currently generated comes from fossil fuels (~60%, ~1/3 of which is coal), replacing a perfectly well-functioning appliance with a new stove is not going to be beneficial. And the health harms of a little bit of

There is no way replacing a functioning, already existing gas stove with a brand new electric stove is a net benefit to the environment.

I have to agree, though if you’re a Tesla owner they make a big deal about how you can do it... IF you plan like heck. I don’t really do many road trips (hardly ever), and I have a plug-in hybrid. So I can do short trip on electric and longer ones on ICE. I think it’s the best of both worlds. When I’m driving and

Gas is SO much cheaper in my area than electric (which just had a huge price hike) that you’d have to do a LOT more than just give me a free electric stove to make me switch back to electric from gas.

The Citi PremierMiles offers lounge access, yes — and it’s available to all your readers *in Singapore*.

The Citi Premier (US-issued) offers no lounge access at all. Nor any other travel benefits.

And +1 vote for hating that this was in a video format.

OK, that’s it. I’m removing Lifehacker from my RSS feed and won’t be visiting anymore. I can’t imagine the move to videos and slideshows has brought in more users. It’s lost me. I used to really enjoy this site.

I thought toll fraud was when I get off I-95 South at Exit 1 in Delaware.

Remember when Lifehacker told you how to do things instead of being a link aggregator to other sites that do a better job? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

We honestly keep fabric covers on our furniture so that if we have company on short notice, we can just pull the covers off the furniture, throw them in the laundry room, and have the place look presentable. Works like a charm.

Unless you have cats.


Passenger opinions: one of a long list of things that airlines do not care about.

If the seat is being paid for, why do the airlines care if there’s a person in it? Also, if paying for an extra flight is cheaper than paying for just the first one, that feels like a business model failure.

Airline pricing is one of the dumbest things ever. If you paid their rate for that seat for that flight (or flights), it shouldn’t matter if your butt is actually in them or not. You’ve paid for that spot on that plain for that duration of time. I find it as ridiculous as if you got charged a fee for not attending a

It's Daylight Saving Time not Daylight Savings Time. Otherwise, I'm glad we can finally collectively unpucker about leaving the lamp on all the time.

Something about that comment doesn’t add up.