
maybe I’m the odd one out but I hate getting talked to like that. In my experience, pretty much any time somebody says stuff like that, it’s them faking the concept that the topic is open for discussion, when usually it is most definitely if not. The person is rarely interesting in bringing new approaches to your

SO is telling someone that they once said something 30 years ago that was, then, OK and now is offensive, that they must lose their jobs, never be employable again, everything they have ever done is disappeared and they may never speak or have an opinion ever again, is constructive criticism or bullying?

I like to make an actionable suggestion.  “Have you thought of trying...”  Focusing on the actions and/or the outcome makes it feel less personal

Supporting, though leaving without support others still fighting lockdown consequences, particular brands based on race, nation or religious believes, not the quality of product or services provided is defined as discrimination, for your particular case - it’s racism.

Troll quality has gone WAY down. 

The trolls are out, tonight. And they need better writers.

Mr. “He’s just trying to make sure they weren’t loose.” can fuck all the way off. He tipped the hand of his complicity by trying to justify the unjustifiable.  

I... I think I need to own this.

That is a Million Mile engine surrounded by a 50,000 mile truck.

Some points that should be mentioned

When did Lifehacker start advertising voodoo and woo. Acupressure is based on the fanciful and invalid notions found in Traditional Chinese Medicine. There is no evidence that acupressure has any effect whatsoever and is in fact on par with acupuncture for lack of efficacy. Maybe Lifehacker should go back to