
I don’t find him hot but I think he looks like a young Dean Martin. 

That must be why you comment multiple times on almost every article, bc you’re so miserable here.

Nah, people will flee those apps in droves when you and yours turn it into a junkyard of bigotry and then we’ll all go on with our lives. 

God forbid a person struggling treat themselves once in awhile. 

Yawn. Repetitive and predictable.

Because they’re fucking idiots who think making up middle school insults is the height of comedy? Yeah that tracks. 

Did you read the part about babies having severe diarrhea bc they can only have a specific type of formula, you fuckfaced ghoul? 

You’ve been doing that “so brave” shtick for awhile now. Might be time to switch up your routine.

Yes that’s exactly what your original comment was. Nice to see an introspective troll. 

Not always. I have a crazy sensitive gag reflex and half the time I brush my teeth I almost york. I stand up straight and breathe deep and yell NO and 9 out of ten times it works. 

lol this is so sad

Oh that’s cute

You know the same concept can be used more than once in entertainment, right? 

Aw! It thinks it matters!

A young woman who’s had more success than you, random dumbass. Die mad about it. 

Fuck you. Entertainers are citizens just like you and she can say whatever she wants. The only difference is that people actually give a shit what she has to say. 

No one is putting actions on him. He wrote them out for us. 

Eat a bucket of shit

She’s not selling sex, she’s an actress. Asswipe. 

You’re right. I was thinking of Malignant. Hollywood really needs to unmark the thesaurus page for “evil” and come up with some better titles.