
So repeating a gag that was already repeated to diminishing returns isn’t safe and is pushing boundaries? Sure.

I can't believe you thought it was a good idea to post this

Yikes... that dude telling on himself big time

Why are we still talking about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard?

Just FYI, there’s a shriveled soul that has been impersonating other accounts in order to channel his depravity and racism. He’s now impersonating me.

That’s one take but a better take is that she was a part of this group for so many years and then she’s told she didn’t make the cut for the tour. So she sees almost everyone else going out to do the promotion but she was excluded.

I haven’t seen PEARL yet, but I loved X and I really loved BARBARIAN.

Man, ya’ll’s snark level is at an 11. Don’t always have to be a grade a bag of dicks.

Eh, I don’t think it says either of those things you or the OP said. I take it as more of a statement of that it just made him think of ways to improve from what is already there. Wanting to improve isn’t equal to being bad before.  

Don’t want creative inputs from a 14 year old? Don't hire 14 year olds in creative positions and expect them to work like morons without any opinions of their own.

She said nothing about creepiness or perversion. Please don’t comment on articles you didn’t read.

Can’t believe how microagressy the comments are here. Let’s be honest, folks rarely recognize actual talent when they can’t get past some single flaw. Larry Wilmore is a comedic and writing god and people didn’t watch his show in numbers to keep it going. Michelle Wolf could do it and people will hate it because of

Streaming media is the real culprit, if you want to be honest. 

I mean google exists.

See? This guy gets it. If you take the role of a sexy person in some work of fiction then you and your family should absolutely be harrassed in real life. You deserve it and if you can’t handle it then that’s on you and not the smooth brained creeps like Sinjun.

You tried to be reductive about creative writers, got called out for it. Take the L. Resist the urge to double down on being a dick with counter-comment that doesn’t even make sense.

Why are there so many of you guys who think just because an actress takes a sexual role that makes it ok for men to be giant creeps to her

Oh God you’re back

Seems she has conflicting thoughts about how people perceive her.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that and she probably wouldn’t either. The problem is the calculus some people do: “You’re hot as part of your  a job so that makes you a WHORE.” This harassment isn’t isolated to women but they do get much more of it.