
He is part of and gives a shitload of money to a church that does say those things, so fuck him and Scientology AND you for simping for them.

Whatever you think you’re doing is adorable. Like when a toddler tries to wipe their own ass. 

You’re the only dumbass pretending anyone here is moral. This place is a fucking zoo.

It’s also incredibly lazy and an easy way for people to feel superior to *something*. It’s embarrassing to watch no matter which generation is being maligned.

??? Pugh wasn’t in that.

Is that why they never made more space movies after Star Wars?

No you’re just gullible 

As if you truly give a shit, cherokeepurple 

LOL you’re so pressed over this. 

“But what about…” 

Based on your pants pissing up and down the comments you are most certainly not fine.

TrAdItTiOnAlLy mAlE tHInGs

Imagine being so boring you have to bring an us vs. them political mentality to a benign Takeout article. JFC dude. 

Right back at ya.

Was Hutchins killed in a police shooting? No. Completely different situations. 

What he fuck is wrong with you? Seriously. 

LMAO you dumb little boys can’t even think of your own insults. Too precious.

Yes, men like Murray behaving badly on sets bc he’s a “comedy god” is starting to go away and it’s about time. It’s awesome watching you little boys piss yourselves over your impending reckonings.

I can’t imagine the level of self-importance you’re putting on Murray, that bc he’s a big star he gets to do whatever he wants.  

Sorry pal. Bill is never going to fuck you.