
I am neither a dancer nor a choreographer, but I have a longstanding fascination with graphic notation systems, and there are a several standardized notation systems for dance: Labanotation and Benesh Movement Notation I think are the major two, but there are additional movement notations used in other fields also

I’m just going to say it. I think people are looking for a reason to be offended. Silly.

Then in 1980, there was Tamora Pierce’s Alanna: The First Adventure about a girl who disguises herself as a boy and takes her brother’s place in knight school.

Takei his words for it.

Was planning a move with my boyfriend at the time. We had secured the new apartment but had only started packing up the stuff and wouldn’t be ready to move in for about a week.

Game of Thrones is a show made specifically to answer one question: who will be king or queen at the end? Everything the show does is strictly in service to this question, which, for me, makes a lot of the characters seem less like people and more like plot pieces to move around. 

The Night’s King in the books, for as little as we know about him, and the Night King in the show both are such a conflict with the larger narrative established in both the books/show.

400, but they’ll be sent by only five people.

If Jezebel becomes the daily Blow Job for Bernie, like Gawker was in 2016; I’m out.

It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids.  That was obviously her mistake.


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Official Heather Alexandra video game review background music:

Right now we have an idiotic dictator in charge. I will not begrudge anyone who looks back at Obama more favorably or with nostalgia.

To be fair, Nick Martin has demonstrated time and again that he has the most narrow, young-20s “just read Marx and anarchist literature”, immature, naive take on politics imaginable.

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I mean, not only did they support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but they had her on their pod.

Ok, guys, enough with this: The Prince and Snow White fell in love in the beginning of the movie. When Snow runs off after the Huntsman lets her go, The Prince doesn’t know about the Queen’s plan and goes looking for her. During his search, the Evil Queen poisons Snow.

Yeah, I’m honestly not sure what the author wants.

If Jezebel ever needs to waste some space, I promise you exclusive rights to the hours of conversations I’ve had with my friends about what constitutes a sandwich. It’s definitely going to be riveting.

lol get better gear

I wonder if Olivia Munn was the only one on that panel to realize where the song came from and that’s one reason why she gave them the golden buzzer 😂