
It also entirely affects how I approach re-watching shows. Something like Buffy has distinct episodes, so I can enjoy a full season paced evenly, or individual episodes. Either way, I’m handing over my precious hours to Hulu to re-watch.

After a season of Jessica Jones, even if I’ve enjoyed it, none of the episodes are

Because she feels too guilty about fucking Clint the carpenter on the side to ever get as angry at Chip as he deserves?

In PvP games I do squats after every stupid play I try to make. Overextend and get 3v1'd? Squats. Peak too long and get lit up? Squats. Throw a grenade at no one in particular? Squats. ADS for 30 seconds and get blind-sided? Squats.

Since you mentioned the elderly, it’s important to point out that MediCARE is for any American over the age of 65. This article is about MediCAID, which is for low-income families/individuals or those who cannot afford insurance because of chronic, major, and/or disabling medical conditions (or who need to supplement

Oh, THAT’S why I roll my eyes so much!

Insurance guy and medical practice consultant, here. I guarantee that any implementation would be so poorly thought out and so shoddy that virtually every doom and gloom thing would come to pass.

You sound exactly like you just finished Women’s Studies 101.

JULY 6—Rush Limbaugh was traveling with four other men—including the producers of the hit show “24"—when he was detained over a mislabeled bottle of Viagra found in his luggage during a Customs search, records show.

I just had my second babe two weeks ago, and between the first trimester garden-variety morning sickness, the mandatory csection because said babe refused to flip head down, the 3-day bout with food poisoning at 38 weeks, and the tough reality that is caring for a rambunctious toddler and a very needy (and very cute)


Maybe I’m just the dummy here, but I took it as her making fun of the inactive people who think they can ignore the problem?


Mann became the first female mayor of Middletown

“Engaging In Comfortably Casual Foreplay To Country Songs” wasn’t as catchy.


I don’t know. That’s gonna need a huge amount of shiplap.

We know it’s not rigged, and that this is mostly posturing with a side of honestly-wanting-voting-to-be-transparent. We just like when someone gets under Trump’s skin, which this clearly is. If Jill is the one to do it, so be it.

From one grey to another- I just wanted to say that you are a lovely sister for being so thoughtful and trying to support your transgender sibling in the best way you can. We should all be so lucky to have sisters like you :)

Fuck that’s tough...but..honestly? No. That’s sort of selfish of your sibling. I totally get that you want to support her, and if this is how she wants/feels comfortable/safe in coming out, I understand wanting to support her and fulfilling that request.

Ask your sibling to tell everyone, via social media, in person, whatever she feels comfortable with, well *before* the wedding. Point out that you (and she) know that some people will cause a scene and while you totally support her and would be happy for her to be in her preferred gender at your wedding you would