
[citation needed]

I've been using BIM (now Adidas miCoach - works with android) for a long time. Does a reasonably good job of tracking all the info that I need for my runs and rides.


Ramit, there's a company called CharTec that essentially advocates this same sort of approach for selling. They're very well known in my segment, and I would guess that the numbers in overall sales across the industry are far higher than what you're quoting here.

If you've actually paid any attention to what Ramit has said, he doesn't spend lavishly either - at least not in all areas of his life, nor does he recommend or advocate doing so. Instead, he essentially says "don't worry about the lattes, worry about the bigger items." I've read the article you mentioned - he

Actually, this is essentially what I did for a bulk of my high school career. Get home from school, nap for 1-3 hours. Wake up, eat dinner, do homework, socialize, etc... Go to bed between 2-3am, get up at 6:30 and do it all again the next day.

LH published this article in April. It may have resurfaced for that reason, but it wasn't the initial reason for its posting. Check the published-on date before making such assertions.

@wolfstone but... Brawndo's got what plants crave - it's got electrolytes!

You talk a alot about what drivers should be doing which reiterates my point - many drivers are dumb. If a driver isn't already doing these things, and isn't paying attention, it really doesn't matter where the mirrors are aimed. You could point your mirrors straight down, or have giant mirrors that every corner of

I feel like you're missing the point. You're advocating that people adjust their mirrors for what they would use them for 5% of the time instead of 95% of the time.

you're not the only one. I used the new layout for about a day before I got sick of it and reverted. Google's gonna make me change eventually, but until then, I'm sticking with the old. The new layout is hideous. Everything feels big and blocky - kludgy even - instead of smooth and streamlined. I don't mind a

Samsung Galaxy SII on T-Mobile (US) Detection Score: 270... Plus some files were found, so I'm assuming that means I've got it.

can I toss out a thought - CloudApp looks cool, but it's mac only. I think a good candidate would be something that not only works on desktops, but integrates well with a variety of smart phones (iPhone, Android, and Blackberry). Part of what I liked about twitpic is that it was included with the BB Twitter app.

Let's be honest here... is any GMail user really surprised that google mines data from your google email account? Don't those text ads at the top seem remarkably targeted to what you're reading about? Why would we think that it is limited to just mail and not contacts? They've already shown that they're paying

Remodel of kitchen comes complete with blindingly bright abyss in back yard.

I've been relatively happy with GoDaddy as a registrar, and I have to disagree with a lot of what is written in the post with regards to them being cumbersome and restrictive.

do you play the lottery?

With respect, I'm not familiar with T-Mobile's (U.S.) financial state, but I've seen no indication that they're struggling. Sure they're a distant fourth to the current big three (AT&T, Verizion, Sprint), but I have to imagine they aren't doing that bad. Maybe I'm way off base. In any case, as a consumer, I'd still

Damn you both for beating me to it!

Don't worry. T-mobile customers will leave of their own accord.