
Biggest moment there is when he’s having sex with his wife and then visualizes first the neighbor and then Tracy. Which comes after he asks about the distinction between ethics and morality and stares at the class glumly just waiting for somebody other than her to raise her hand.

He’s got deeply complicated but

I think Matthew Broderick is neither idealistic nor sincere. What’s interesting about his character is the distinction between his voiceover (which does seem upbeat and enthusiastic) and his actions. His voiceover praises his wife, but then we see him coming onto the neighbor. His voiceover talks about how much he

The article is about a medieval historian meditating on the resemblance (or not) of our current situation and the plague of the 14th century. You seem under the impression that the article is Lawrence Wright bloviating rather than being, for the most part, Lawrence Wright recounting in great detail what an actual PhD

Al Jefferson, 2013-14: 22/11/2
Giannis Antetokoumpo, 2013-14: 7/4/2

I see your point.

Wait, can we talk about the fact that the Clippers’ jerseys are advertising noted DATING APP BUMBLE? 

... which are part of the Constitution, I’m pretty sure. 

The Iowa Democratic caucuses tend to lean left. Obama beat Clinton there in 2008 and Bernie came within a titch of upsetting her again in 2016. I’d say they’re historically pretty representative of where the party’s avant garde is.

The funny part is that the word “freedom” is in the Constitution. 

Folks: lots of us seem worried that this is basically the same as Trump getting your cell number. Like Beth says, this isn’t an app Trump has on his phone that will allow him to send text messages to you while he’s watching Fox and Friends.

It’s an alert system that will primarily be used for catastrophic weather

Essentially, it appears Feig’s editing issues maybe go away when he is given a pretty good script somebody else wrote.

Update: Saw A Simple Favor tonight. Lively is having a blast, and that’s great fun. But Anna Kendrick is a thoroughgoing joy: she probably gives the best performance in the movie, and she. is. hilarious.

Fun, a little bit self-satisfied, but this movie manages to be both an enjoyable twisty thriller and a comedy about

Thank you forever. This is the only thing wrong with his Ghostbusters, but it caused major pacing issues.

I’m delighted to see that the discussion here is focused on making fun of a woman’s appearance in order to make a political statement. Way progressive, guys.

I saw what you did there.

her husband and daughter...

“The four Gospels were originally written in Aramaic, the tongue Jesus actually talked, yet all what we have is a Greek text. Greek was the most common language on the East half of the Mediterranean (which is also why it makes zero sense to have Pilate talk in Latin in the Gibson film), and when Paul took over the

The Green Futures of Tycho!

He was one of those strange authors that nobody ever talked about; I think I just assumed that I was the only 14 year old in America who read his books.

I also tried to make the Interstellar Pig board game out of cardboard and marker.

It uses the same Shostakovich music.

It uses the same Shostakovich music.

He can be two things.