
That's why subscription games give you a month of time with the initial purchase. You don't have to sub until after that first month.

Final Fantasy Xiv? It's been out since last august and just had a major content patch today.

I did the same, but sages staff on everyone with them having group cast all. Undead mobs don't like to be raised.

Totally understandable, I felt that way a bit at the end of some of those other games, when I was just tired of playing them.

What exactly couldn't you justify the monthly sub for? Just asking out of curiosity, because I often see the reasoning behind it misplaced.

You'll probably have to pay for your first extra month as well, that would give you enough time to hit 50, and start getting enough money to pay the price that those will be selling for on the Commodities Exchange. Still a nice option to have.

Square Enix did publish it, but they didn't develop the game. That was Eidos Montreal. So while I agree with the sentiment, especially regarding how cool the marketing for it was, I don't think the game being published by SE should be relevant to the fact that it lacked CGI cutscenes in game.

I died at "... It is known." lol

Worth noting, a physical Collector's edition will be a steelbook case for the game with the digital deluxe bonuses. No NA CE will be released though. (Booo)

Who keeps making the logos, like watchlist and cosplay. They are just... not good?

I meant to pick it up on the sale last week, and when I remembered to get it... it was already over.


I finished the story, but never went back to do all the like end game extra stuff.

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch ($7) | PS Plus | Otherwise, $10

Yeah, it did, and it's really great. Load times though... not so great :(

That's only a sequel in story, simply because your playing as the daughter of the previous games Antagonist. That was a different style game in the same universe.

PFFT 15$??!

I really enjoyed it on the Vita. I guess that version is extremely different like all the handheld ones usually are.

You goofed man. You posted on main page. Whats gunna happen now is you'll have people trickling responding to your other post for the next 2 weeks continuing to tell you that you missed the joke.

It looks like they just turbosmoothed the original one.