
This is much less effective to do in Violet without utilizing encounter power food.
In violet you will have dreepy spawning in around the outer corners throughout the day, and at night it will mix in Misdreavus and Mismagius.
Ghosts tend to phase in and out, as well as float farther out away from the rock you stand on.

I live in Korea and I can tell you that no, it’s not a reference to Sony at all, they literally do this with letters all the time. Making a stylized logo.

People seemed to get upset last time a 40 minute direct was 19 minutes focused on one game.

A steam release is good news.
Either the game will get some steep discounts soon (+ the extra 20% from humble discount)
Or it will come to game pass.

I would have loved to play it on switch earlier this year but I chose to wait because of how stacked that time of year was.

When this was announced I was excited up until I saw it was first person.
First person games that move too fast tend to make me sick.
I like the art direction here, and gameplay looks good, but I think if I played it I would have to do it in like 10 minute sessions over a long period of time :/

If you buy something on this game, does the content get tied to some Dead by Daylight account? Or is it tied to the service you got it from.

I have the game free on psn from PS+, I see it’s also on gamepass. I enjoy playing it once in a while but never bought it for myself. I’ve only played on the gamepass version.

Sorry for the late reply, I never check my notifications.  It was Excell Marketing. 

Holofoil and rare cards weigh slightly more than regular cards, so you could weigh them to find the packs that had the rare stuff in it.

The sauces, according to McDonald’s, are South Korea-inspired. What that means, I’m not entirely sure. Because this is the Cajun sauce, mayo and mustard-based, and last time I checked Korea wasn’t entirely known for its Cajun cuisine.

I used to work for the Company that did the stock of trading cards at Target.
I managed about 28 stores in an area, glad I’m not working there anymore.  Used to have people follow me around to weigh baseball cards, can’t imagine how crazy it’s been since people got the hots for pokemon cards again.

I understand why the writing would be off-putting to some, but that was part of the charm for me. I enjoyed the witty banter.
Anyways I really like this game, and just wish I had more time to sit down and really play it.  Got it at christmas and only did 2/4 of the main parts of the Main campaign.

Do they have details on how it will work? I haven’t been following very closely.
Is it like xbox where you just pop in the old disc and get a download?

I keep seeing people on reddit or Twitter say the game is free to play. 

I changed mine last year? Oh it was already 2 years ago.
When I got Dissidia NT I realized that game was not the Dissidia I really wanted. It was fun but not the same, so I went back to play my psp and the battery was starting to get a little bulgey.

Went to one of the gaming markets in seoul and a guy replaced it for

Lol I was going to comment the same thing, except I’m a teacher in South Korea.
America is so far beyond being able to handle this situation, because all the cry babies can’t even wear a mask. Yet they are the same people screaming and whining on twitter because they have to watch their own kids.

Jesus christ this is a bad take man.

A lot of my students always told me they played this game. I played the korean version for a little while.
Back then I was hoping for a global release.
Now that it is finally here I’m happy to try, the art style is really interesting. But I don’t think I have time to devote to this game.

I already play Cookie Run a lot

There’s actually 3 covers. Special S Type seems to be for those who have an automatic subscription only.
As a fan of purple this looks like the best one to me.

Unless we are playing a different game than the one I played for like 8 hours yesterday, the gacha skins for the weapons are in fact cosmetic only.

The only “pay to win” in this game is MAYBE from the fact that the paid tier for the battle pass offers a small bonus of extra medals, which are the currency used to unlock

Temtem came out earlier this year and has an update soon. I enjoyed my time with it, but once I finished the available content I dropped it so hard.  I think they have an update soon?