Nah remember? They ported that iOS version to Steam and people didn’t like it. So that means there’s no interest in a Final Fantasy 6 remake.
Nah remember? They ported that iOS version to Steam and people didn’t like it. So that means there’s no interest in a Final Fantasy 6 remake.
And completely unavailable anywhere. Neat!
Why in the world would a prescription be necessary for a game? Is the game harmful if misused? The only reason to require medical authorization for something is because it’d be dangerous to sell to people who don’t need it for a legitimate medical purpose. We call these things “controlled substances.” This is a video…
The comparison made was to a movie. I didn’t see the movie, so I said that. I’m also not a Christian of any kind and so while I understand the basic story behind the religion, I would never claim to be some kind of expert or to be familiar with all the material.
Why do you think I’m upset? I believe my original post even said I thought this entire exercise was silly and virtue signally.
The only things I wanted were a price and a final word on backwards compatibility. Guess what I didn’t get.
They probably wore shoes too.
Black is a damn color. The game has 5 of them. Would you be this upset if it said to destroy all blue creatures? I doubt it.
But that’s not what the CARD calls for. The card calls for the cleansing of evil creatures (depicted thematically by the color black). This is a thing virtually every fantasy universe and Earth religion also include in their canon.
There’s some stuff to talk about here. Thank you for leaving out the ad hom attacks the other guy decided to indulge in.
The knights depicted on Crusade are also fictional. So your issue is with the word “crusade” then.
So here’s Reign of Terror. It’s a card depicting a devil or demon or something laying waste to the land. It destroys either all green or all white creatures. Does this make it racist against white people? Or green people? Is it telling you that black things destroy white things? Or is it a card in a game that does a…
IS that glorifying racial or religious violence though? Or is it just a card that has a mechanical effect within the game?
A lot of these really feel like someone went out of their way to be offended by a card. Like.. human pretzelling was involved here.
It’s a bunch of devils throwing rocks. I don’t see the problem with that one.
That one feels like a stretch.
I have a stupid question. This has been on the front page now for over a week (2 weeks?) and the Vocaloid event ended before the NA launch... which was 5 days ago. When does this story go away?
It’s closed right now. There’s a plague on.
No doubt, but in such a case why would those players want to dick around with something like Tabletop Simulator just to play in this specific organizer’s events when there are (conservatively) infinity Magic tournaments going on online all the time?
I suppose it’s possible, but you run into logistical issues there. How are you paying for a tournament that’s supposed to have 300 people in it when only 50 of them have the necessary hardware, software, and internet chops to participate in your event?