

Seeing it coming and being able to do something about it are two very different things.

This is a MAJOR blow to small businesses that operate booths and events at GenCon. It’s a big f’ing deal for them year after year and they’re already feeling the money fire that this year has been. I’ve worked in the past for the guy that runs Magic the Gathering events there... I haven’t talked to him regarding this

Really? That’s the appropriate response? A gaming blog posts something critical of one of your characters (deservedly btw) and your response would be to just not sell your game to that entire country/continent?

By all accounts Shadowlands leveling is also pretty quick. And having it contained to a single expansion unifies the experience too. Less jumping frantically around the world, more questing through zones.

Can we talk about how that guy has the biggest balls of anyone in the world? My mouth hit the floor BOTH times he went on a tear about how great Shinra is while Barret.. a man three times his size with a GATLING GUN FOR AN ARM BTW.. is going on his anti-Shinra spiel. Like dude... wtf is in your coffee?

Clearly you’ve never played a Bethesda game.

It’s a rootkit. No thanks. I don’t care how secure THEY think it is. This kind of thing never ends well.

Right now I’m getting about 300 Mbps down. So at a rate like that I guess it took 25ish minutes? Seemed pretty quick though. Still way faster than days of shipping delays.

I doubt it. I just downloaded Persona 5 Royal (about 30-40GB) in like 10 minutes flat.

Meanwhile Amazon is telling me it probably won’t have my copy to me on the 10th.

I agree that 5 is better than 6. But you’re mad if you think 2 is the worst one. 2 was great.

Probably the same airlines that are receiving several hundred billions dollars in bailout money to not lay off their staff who are going to immediately lay off their staff.

They don’t all pull from the same servers. Steam’s content is distributed across multiple data centers in many parts of the world. I mean seriously... can you imagine even in off-peak hours downloading a 50GB game in Romania or something? You’d be downloading that thing for a week. At least.

Is it really THAT big a deal? Steam already updates at bonkers-o-clock in the morning for most people. A time when most of the country is asleep. Most updates are tiny. And most of us don’t have our entire Steam libraries installed all at once (for me it’d take about 8 TB of space to do that... no thanks).

It’s going to be basically everybody before too long.

Sold out

Sold out

I really hope you’re joking.

Bastion exists.

Moira and Widowmaker already exist.