
No amount of scientific evidence or advice from experts will ever stop me from blowing into cartridges. It’s worked for over 30 years damnit.

Even if the developers shouldn’t have had to predict a global pandemic fucking up their stats, they should absolutely have added tolerance to the code to account for failure to get new data. That’s just basic shit.

See I’m not sure the law is actually on the publishers’ side here. But Nvidia would have to take them to court over it to figure that out. They seem more willing to let their new service just implode rather than do that though.

So I’ve learned that a lot of the publishers and developers pulling out of GeForce Now helped build the damn thing. They helped make it a reality... and then suddenly realized they didn’t like it after building it. Yeah, not buying that one.

What’s interesting here is the EU supreme court disagrees with that. I don’t know that the US supreme court has ever ruled on it. The EU court ruled that provision of software through either physical media or a download constituted a sale and thus the first-sale doctrine applies to it. Basically, once I buy a thing I

Steam definitely needed a legal agreement to sell me a product. That is 100% correct. Nvidia isn’t selling anything.

My only problem with this is that it doesn’t seem to quite work.

Well that I actually understand. I just fail to see how it’s my problem.

It’s hard to imagine EULAs I agreed to for games I bought 10 years ago would cover prohibiting a technology that didn’t exist when I did that. It’s also hard to imagine such a prohibition holding up in court.

Interesting. Except that game streaming isn’t broadcasting anything. The media comes only to me. Not to me and my apartment building. Hell even if it did stream to my entire building, all my building would get to do is watch me play Borderlands or something. A thing they can already do on Twitch.

But so what? Theoretically if I wanted to rent a machine from someone and use it to play games I have full license to play, why does that make it different?

Maybe. But they aren’t using their goods, they’re using mine. So this is a license I have every legal right in the world to use. Why does it matter that I’m renting the computer hardware that’s running the game I have full license to?

Maybe someone can explain to me why these publishers can actually do this.

Generally yes, that’s exactly the reason. People want their games spread among as few places as possible.

Ignite is EXACTLY what I was picturing when I was writing that description. Haven’t been there in a long time, but I still remember it quite fondly.

That’s interesting. I didn’t know that. The last time I went to one of these places was in the early 2000s before all-digital gaming was really a thing. I could see that being a huge problem for the business model for sure.

I’m not sure I understand what you mean there? Do you mean the initial price point for the PS3? Because I could see an argument for that just being pure hubris.

Same reason Blockbuster didn’t think streaming was going anywhere. Arrogance.

Internet cafes centered around gaming have been a thing for a long time now. The issue with them tended to be that they were insanely expensive, generally charging customers by the hour. But if you could afford the fees they were pretty cool. Usually hosting a few dozen gaming PCs loaded with all sorts of things you

Best not. We don’t have decent healthcare yet.