
Want to know how they could’ve done this differently and not created a PR disaster that’ll follow them into their convention?

There was supposed to be another expansion. Then they didn’t.

You’re right. That sounds crazy.

Why would anyone still be playing this?

The Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 beta actively prevented me from telling them about the bugs in their game. Not just didn’t provide the tools... the tool was there.. I just wasn’t allowed to use it.

Fair point, and you do have to know that going in when your primary game is Fortnite.

If I were a professional streamer, I’d sure hope my fans would understand that every once in a while I need to take a goddamn break. Just like they do.

Could be. Obviously as a statistic in a vacuum it isn’t super useful. It’s still pretty chilling though. Take a weekend, come back and your month’s forecast is down 100k? Eep.

He’s probably an android.

Those are some fickle-ass fans then... christ. A single 48 hour vacation after a year of 6-7 hour streams every single day and they just abandon him?


And you don’t think Hasbro might have some relationship with China?

Blitzchung’s “contract” (if you want to call it that) didn’t explicitly forbid him from doing what he did either.

70% nerf to Hex isn’t a tweak.. it’s a sledgehammer.

It is a big deal to do that, yes. I was enjoying my build. I went to a lot of trouble to put it together and I was having fun with it. Now if I want to keep playing I have to build something else... out of nothing. Cool. No.

If you think the Flakker doesn’t require aiming, you’ve never used one.

If that’s their goal they failed hardcore. Mayhem modifiers produce super inconsistent difficulty. The only modifier that really matters is bullet reflect, which can only appear on mayhem 3, and then people generally just reroll the game to get rid of it because it’s mostly bullshit.

Yeah that does sound really gross. But spelling this phonetically does make sense when writing an article for people who speak absolutely no Japanese at all.

You can kind of lead into it with a nice “ano.” So “ano, sumimasen” would be the equivalent of “umm, excuse me?” in English. It can make you sound more apologetic about imposing on someone.