
Yeah... missed it.

Got it, thanks. I don’t subscribe to Kotaku’s channel so I just straight up didn’t know that existed.

Ok listen... I love Tim Rogers’ narration. I could literally listen to him read the phone book.

I give it 6 months.

SAM was just “ok.” It’s supposed to BE the melee powerhouse since it provides no raid utility whatsoever. Instead it was kind of just “there.” MNK and DRG did comparable damage and brought actual utility to the party.

Before 50? Probably not. Do keep in mind that Shadowbringers includes all previous expansions. So don’t go buying them individually or something like that when the time comes.

It’s to make SMN more able to deal with adds. Previously the Ruin spells were nearly useless in an add phase.. and if the adds aren’t living long enough for you to dot them up you’re kinda just sitting there with your thumb up your butt trying to look busy while everyone else is accomplishing things.

“Read about the changes here”

Yeah I remember. SNES emulation in the late 90s was a new beast. The computers of the day technically had the muscle to do it but the emulator tech available just wasn’t quite there. Still... played me some FF5 just fine.

That’s a damn tragedy right there.

Everybody’s new once.

I assume this does not contain any of the expansions?

I assume this does not contain any of the expansions?

I promise they want to talk about that, but there’d be no point having a DEBATE on it. None of them are going to take the gun lobby side of that one.

There’s nothing to debate. At least there’s nothing for them to debate. I feel pretty safe taking it as a given that all the democratic candidates are going to back aggressive climate change legislation. We’re the “the planet should support human life” party.

Steam isn’t missing basic functionality.

I never claimed Steam was perfect. And I’d be delighted to see Valve rouse from its eternal slumber and actually DO something innovative with the platform. But that’s not what’s happening. Epic hasn’t put forth a superior product, they’ve just thrown bags of cash at things.

Must be a local decision. The big box stores like that around me have extensive gaming sections.

Then you’re probably not one of the people whose credit card companies went into attack mode during Epic’s big sale earlier this year. Turns out making 6 or 7 purchases at the same point of sale within an hour of each other is a red flag for them. Oh and Epic auto-banned the accounts that did that.

Circuit City agrees.

I’m sorry, could you point to the meltdown please?