But the only running permitted in them involves dangling your arms behind you.
But the only running permitted in them involves dangling your arms behind you.
Well we don’t really know if it’s transformative or not. No court has ruled on it as far as I know.
Strictly speaking, you’re licensed to view and display the movie (let’s just stick with Pirates cause it’s easy) yourself for your own viewing enjoyment. You’re allowed to share that with someone, for instance watching a movie with friends at home.. that’s kosher. But sharing it with a third party (the streaming…
User-generated content is an easier sell than story, which is what Arc seems to have a problem with here.
Fair Use of a copyrighted work requires that the use be “transformative” in some way. So you can’t just, for instance, upload The Lion King to Youtube and claim Fair Use because that’s not transformative... that’s just piracy.
Batteries and chargers are something I never recommend people f around with. Use first-party stuff when possible. At the very least check for a UL logo on the battery/charger. Underwriters Laboratories is a company that certifies tech meets certain standards of performance. Basically they help ensure the device does…
Batteries and chargers are something I never recommend people f around with. Use first-party stuff when possible. At…
Neat. I don’t especially want to pay $150 for a mouse just right now, but I’ll keep an eye on it. Thanks for the tip.
Neat. I don’t especially want to pay $150 for a mouse just right now, but I’ll keep an eye on it. Thanks for the tip.
It’s simple. Those are people that took one look at AST and ran screaming in the other direction. I’ve been playing it (though not with this update) and while it’s definitely not amazing, I don’t think it’s anywhere near as bad as people who’ve only read patch notes think it is.
At this point what I’d really like is a high-quality wireless mouse with this level of customization. Wireless tech has gotten to the point where input delay is really just not a thing anymore, so then all I’m really missing is the feel and customization.
At this point what I’d really like is a high-quality wireless mouse with this level of customization. Wireless tech…
Or just make less money. Infinitely-increasing profit margins are not sustainable.
Yes but those work properly.
Expunging his name from history would prevent future generations from having the opportunity of learning about this shameful page of our history.
I’ve gotten really lucky with phones. Honestly I’m due to have one simply disintegrate in my hand for no reason at this point.
Well you’re not dousing it in alcohol. You’re using it to clean up the residue from whatever was spilled on it. But you’re not wrong. Alcohol can peel up adhesive on stickers and things. Some keyboards and batteries are held in with adhesive so you want to be careful when working near those.
No, you’re risking making the problem worse and even distilled water takes quite a while to dry. Use isopropyl alcohol. You can use a toothbrush or something (as long as it’s clean) if you need to scrub away a contaminant. But try to stick to q-tips if you can.
Distilled water is technically ok as long as there is absolutely no current, but isopropyl alcohol cleans better, dries VERY quickly, and won’t corrode anything. It’s just the better choice all around.
I’ve cleaned various liquids out of a lot of laptops.
They have arguably the best back-catalog of first-party games in the industry.. So naturally they just do nothing with it.
Decent chunk for sure.
I cannot imagine the reason Nintendo doesn’t leverage their SNES library for this. That being said, Collection of Mana contains 2 SNES games and Nintendo could charge 40 bucks for that... so maybe that’s the reason?