
I’m a gamer. I promise we’re not all this stupid.

Agreed. She found a way to make a buck. It’s stupid, but damnit it worked.

Yeah I was afraid of that. Kind of a mean thing to do to your players.

Y’know... mentioning Startropics makes me wonder if the puzzle that required you to dip the manual in water is still in the game. If so... how is it fairly solved?

Speak for yourself. I, for one, will be standing over him with a gun to his head forcing him to use the rewind feature that’s been in every emulator for the last 20 years.

It’s probably more like Metroid. Most of them are when you consider the Castlevania part of that name is derived more from the setting than the gameplay mechanics.

Tamir Rice :/

Thank God she wasn’t a 12-year old black boy.

More likely I’d say “try this game, it’s really good.”

Metroid might, I’m not sure that’s true of Castlevania. There are a LOT of those.

Nah, I like the word. It helps distinguish such games from platformers (which often have similar visual styles).

I prefer the term strictly for 2D/2.5D games. 3D platformers can be their own thing.

So I knew the headgear thing going in. Still disappointing for sure but at least I already knew it.

Feels like kind of an edge case.

Neither of those things are Pokemon.

I cannot imagine they’d make 800 pokemon with the same level of detail as the Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee mascots.

Definitely agree. That would not have gone over well.

Yes of course I know that. Are you aware that we’re not dealing with CDs or 8 MB cartridges anymore? Even cartridge games are done on flash memory now. Gigabytes worth of data.

“We hear you, we’re sorry but we’re not [delaying the game another year and a half]”

It occupies them so they don’t have to waste their time making real games like they were some sort of development studio or something.