
Neat utility. Thanks for sharing that. In some ways it magnifies the problem, but that’s entirely a limitation of Steam’s interface. Having everything neatly categorized is helpful.

I suppose that’s true, but I still don’t see this happening.

That’d be nice, but then why would anyone buy their hardware?

Steam’s list is pretty unhelpful unless I put in a ton of work to make it better. I have 695 games in my Steam library... the list is quite imposing.

Seeing them all here like this makes me want that April Fool’s launcher launcher. Just some kind of unified system that can access the appropriate licenses for all my games. I don’t like having 7 different launchers for PC games.

Sounds great. Looks cool. $200? Ouch.

All the standoffs I’ve received have come with the case, not the board.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t even realize we’d stopped doing that.

Well this is, by a wide margin, the most skin-crawly thing I’ve read all week.

I once saw a TV that had a built-in LED strip on its rear I/O that was motion-sensitive. So if you waved your hand over the sensor, it’d light up the rear I/O for you.

Actually it’ll fail two times. The third time you’ll have it right.

Extra points for the magic smoke reference. Haven’t heard that one in quite a while.

This is a bad idea. (the motherboard thing, not the I/O shield thing... that’s silly but w/e)

I’m convinced that if you do this before verifying the system, it will refuse to POST out of sheer spite.

That’d be a novel concept indeed!

Quite frankly, Kinja has too many feeds. You’re suggesting I should get this kind of news and information from the appropriate feed and I couldn’t agree more, but Kinja has about 30 of those and you’re out of your mind if you think I’m actively reading all of them.

At this rate they’re well on their way to the “sell it to Gamigo” stage of Games as a Service.

Understanding what’s going on in the world and how your country works seems like useful life information to me.

I mean... yes? It’s not the hard drive making that noise, it’s the cooling fan. Because the PS4 has such a small chassis, the fan cooling it is also pretty small. Small fans have to spin much faster to keep cooling at the right level... so they sound proportionately ridiculous.

I mean... yes? It’s not the hard drive making that noise, it’s the cooling fan. Because the PS4 has such a small

My point was you’d never get people to agree on what “classic” meant. SE would need like 4 such servers and there’s no chance they’d all sustain the population they’d need to have a functioning game... especially when that game is FFXI.