
That gets into iffy territory though, because you’re never going to get the community to agree on what that means.

Agreed. That was a close one.

Yes please.

Hmm looks like you’re right. It’s hard to find current information on the FFXI team other than like.. Wikipedia. The last thing I’d heard was that Naoki Yoshida was in charge over there, but no it looks like it’s actually Matsui.... wonder what I saw then.

Maybe. For me though... I played them. It’s not like they’re going to hold anything new for me to discover. Part of the fun of an expansion launch, at least for me, is the discovery.. the details beyond the big set pieces the company spent months hyping you about. No progression server can ever recapture that, because

It’s increased now, but some kind of FFXI Classic server would necessarily not have the increased exp rate.

Wait I’m sorry... explain this: you pay for the game... and then you just have the game? What kind of witchcraft are you spewing here? Everyone knows the price of a game is really just the entry fee; an appetizer to the main course of REAL fees that you pay to play any game today.

That seems to be a phenomenon unique to Everquest.

I’m curious what you consider “classic” FFXI. Normally when someone says that about an MMORPG, they mean the base game with no expansions... but unless you’re Japanese, you never played that game.

It’s a service offered by Square-Enix normally. This booth just had a guy there helping people through the process.

Except the producer. Naoki Yoshida (also in charge of FFXIV) is heading up the production team for FFXI, not Hiromichi Tanaka (the guy that boned FFXIV... hmmm).

So they actually did that. There was a huge event that wound up all the various stories in FFXI into one nice conclusion, wrapped it up with a bow, and presented it to everyone. Even did a collaboration with FFXIV for the occasion.

They’re also secretly monitoring your dreams.

Well that’s delightful. Always appreciate having non-functional systems in shipped products.

I won’t deny that. However, I don’t think it’d profit them in the long run.

That IS what the reporting function is for.

Yes but Blizzard HAS data. They didn’t share it with us, and they’re not under any obligation to, but they actually have the data here and you don’t. So they’re in a position to draw conclusions and you’re not.

I mean if that’s all it means to you when you push that button, ok.

I think everyone had it in their teeth that DNC would for sure be a healer because GBR is a tank and they’re used to that parity. It’s a case of disappointment because expectations were just straight up wrong. It’s not the FFXIV team’s fault for not meeting the community’s notions of what their plans were.

SCH is a competent healer, but mostly yeah it’s WHM.