
Even in XI they aren’t much of a healer. They have some healing ability but it’s not like they’re going to replace a WHM or something like that. More of a dps/support job.

FFXI’s Dancer is basically a dps. It’s only been in a couple of games overall and it’s usually a combo between dps and support which is what this sounds like too.

You’d need data to back that up.

That doesn’t track though with an overall drop that size.

If Overwatch shed 40% of its population and those were the people being assholes, then I’m happy to see them go.

Because it feels good to know that other people thought you did a good job.

Probably by tallying in-game reports for toxicity and disruptive behavior and then watching that trend over time.

Ok well this is an amazing idea. I’m not surprised so much that it took so long for something like this to happen, I’m surprised Nintendo allowed it to happen at all.

If it runs anything like PSNow, I give it a year.

I’m not sure about those groups’ particular ranking systems on what outrages them this week, but both of the groups you mentioned are master pearl-clutchers.

Violence, even pretty extreme violence, doesn’t get anywhere near the pearl-clutching that nudity does.

Sounds like a revision in their tournament policy is in order. There should always be a way to suspend a game in order to address a grievance with an official.

Remember kids, disemboweling your enemies is just fine but seeing a nipple will corrupt you forever!

Having a hard drive just kinda flapping in the wind like that isn’t a super amazing idea. If you want to use a hard drive as external storage, get an enclosure for it.

Having a hard drive just kinda flapping in the wind like that isn’t a super amazing idea. If you want to use a hard

That was my first thought too.. I thought Bart was perpetually 10 years old.

I remember the first computer I ever owned ran DOS 3.3 and carried a whopping 640KB of memory. Had to upgrade that puppy to having a hard drive at all.

That moment when “support the murder of innocent people” is an ideology.

You were the one that opened with calling me an asshole instead of taking what I said in the spirit in which it was offered.

I’m sorry if you felt personally attacked.

Did this actually require 3 separate replies?