That was my first thought too... they’re afraid PUBG will interfere with education, but apparently jailing kids doesn’t?
That was my first thought too... they’re afraid PUBG will interfere with education, but apparently jailing kids doesn’t?
People get attached to the familiar. I understand, I do the same thing. But when it comes to operating systems, the decision kinda gets made for you.
That’s crazy. You’re crazy. Stop being crazy.
That was what I came up with too. It’s incel language.
Had a customer come in once for computer repair with a machine running Windows 98. Somehow I’m not kidding.
No. They wouldn’t.
You can actually easily ignore the tiles that traveled from 8 to 10.
I don’t believe I named anyone nor pointed anyone out specifically. It was a general statement based on a decade of experience and exposure to literally thousands upon thousands of TCG players.
Sounds like a good player and someone who was bound to win a major tournament eventually... and hey she did!
Wait wait wait wait .... wait
It’s all business. When you’re talking about that kind of money, it’s business, not a hobby.
Sounds presidential.
Because the second thing isn’t another expansion. It’s part of the same expansion, you just have to pay for it again to get it.
“Only” $675.
“Only” $675.
Not even the pro controller? It just seems strange that there’d be functionality in there for something that doesn’t exist.
Not even the pro controller? It just seems strange that there’d be functionality in there for something that doesn’t…
I suppose the important question there is whether or not the Switch itself uses analog triggers.
I suppose the important question there is whether or not the Switch itself uses analog triggers.
That sounds reasonable.
Interesting, but that really does make the annual pass stuff sound like another expansion that’s sort of unfolding simultaneously with Forsaken.
You’re probably right, but it still looks super gross when you see it like this. Like this chart here implies (I don’t know if this is accurate) that fully half the content in the game requires the annual pass. Y’know what you generally call something like that? An expansion.
This roadmap was created months ago and made available months ago.