
A lot of random food clogs can be prevented by just cleaning your damn pipes regularly. Boil a pot of water (like you’d do for pasta... just without the oil) and chase a good squirt of Dawn or similar de-greasing dish soap with it.

There is if you’re mashing them. Especially russet potatoes. SOME skin in the mash can be nice but a whole potato’s worth? No thanks.

Lemons can have really thick skin sometimes. I’d probably not shove a whole one down there, but if you cut it up into pieces first it’s probably fine. Small limes (like key limes) are a good option for freshening up a disposal though. Smaller limes have nice thin skin and the citric acid in them will help (albeit not

What lesser? And what difference? Those lines she was spouting were Trumpian. Bragging about her electoral margins? Ignoring someone that didn’t (couldn’t) vote for her just because she didn’t vote for her?

Those are literally Trump tactics. What a stupid moron this woman is.

It’s not as big a deal as you’d think. Your phone shouldn’t be doing anything CPU intensive while it’s mounted anyway. Running maps, maybe playing music? The thermal buildup there isn’t that bad.

It’s not as big a deal as you’d think. Your phone shouldn’t be doing anything CPU intensive while it’s mounted

I think in Civ 6 auto-explore is still a thing but auto-improve is not. In 6 your workers are consumed after building a certain number of improvements. This prevents the usual problem of having a bunch of extra workers sitting around after you build like a trans-continental highway or something, but prevents you from

My mother had a stroke and ended up in the hospital for a month.

Freedom... or something... it’s stupid.

For sure that’s what it sounds like it SHOULD mean, but it doesn’t actually mean that. The same bot “reviews” the video and makes the call to ban someone’s entire Google account.

Sorry you’re right, I was thinking of Myanmar. Wonder why Indonesia was stuck in my head for that... hmm... well whatever the reason, I stand corrected.

It also raises the question of why I never got a fully functional battlemech for Christmas.

So it actually is Fran. I had to go double check to be sure but the cutscene the comic is referring to is introducing Fran.

All of that is right, except it’s Mega Man 2 with the skyscraper.

So just in case I was remembering incorrectly I’ve pulled it up right next to me here.

I’m talking about just the armor pack, not a supporter pack. I think it’s the Sin and Innocence pack that’s like 140 bucks.

Path of Exile has had insane skin pricing for quite a long time now.

You might think that a publisher with as much prestige as Square Enix would want to preserve its history in as smart a way as possible, allowing new generations of video game fans to discover and fall in love with Final Fantasy.

A 1 dollar alcohol swab will fix whatever problem you’re afraid of there.

A 1 dollar alcohol swab will fix whatever problem you’re afraid of there.

Apparently that happens whether or not you reward Activision-Blizzard financially. So why reward them financially?