Try it in rural Alabama.
Try it in rural Alabama.
Is it possible that, rather than everyone else being “the lucky ones” you might simply be the unlucky one?
Is it possible that, rather than everyone else being “the lucky ones” you might simply be the unlucky one?
So the picture of the randomizer spoiler is cool, but maybe it shouldn’t be centered on a section that contains the phrase “Child Shooting Gallery.”
You have no idea:
I did say I wasn’t able to find any stats on murder vs specific religions. If you’ve got some data, I’d be interested in seeing it.
Yeah that’s a problem for sure. I know I’ve addressed fanaticism in one of these posts, though honestly I’ve lost track of which thread it was.
So what?
Islam is a religion. The political system you’re looking for there is theocracy which is to be ruled under religious law.
How many need to for it to count?
How many Muslims do? Ignore the propaganda and look at the actual data.
Nah that’s pretty much it. The ruleset is less important than how fanatical the people are about it.
I honestly don’t know how Starcraft handles its extra bling. Warcraft is one enormous loot box, but it’s an MMO so you kind of expect that.
Yeah I keep forgetting about the auction house.
You’re right. For some reason I keep forgetting about the auction house.
Probably could’ve saved a few lines by just saying “Every title by Activision-Blizzard” I mean.. not Diablo 3 I guess, but... whatever. If D3 were released today they’d totally do it.
- Rocket Leagu
Why do you hate fun?
This is more or less what I imagined.
Stop giving them money.