
I mean... how wrong could it really be?

Oh like you’ve never made a sandwich on your $300 game console.

Tim Curry doing any kind of accent is a joy.

Oh yes that makes me feel MUCH better. God knows NetEase has never done anything scummy or abusive to their customers.

No, it was a stupid reason. FFXI and FFXIV have nothing to do with each other except that the original producer wanted to re-use the race models to draw FFXI players in. That’s all. There was no lore reason in FFXIV for Miqo’te or Roegadyn to be single-gender races. He just didn’t bother making the other gender for

Sometimes it can be a pain in the ass to shred every damn thing with your name on it, especially if you get half a dozen or more letters per day asking you to send money or apply for credit cards. This seems like a good solution for those types of things.

Sometimes it can be a pain in the ass to shred every damn thing with your name on it, especially if you get half a

Dumpster diving has been a thing for quite a long time. Though I will definitely admit the information obtainable through this method is extremely limited. Most of the public is at no risk from this attack vector.

Dumpster diving has been a thing for quite a long time. Though I will definitely admit the information obtainable

I would mod my house IN TO a car.

D- - Must try harder

D- - Must try harder

Actually..... that’s covered by the books.

It’s definitely unsustainable.

Then what are customers for?

Didn’t say I was surprised.

But we know that’s not true. Because they’ve said so.

And there you go..

Inconvenient? Why would that be inconvenient? Cost ineffective perhaps.

I never claimed it was a herculean task. I said I didn’t want to deal with it. Convenience is not irrelevant.

On one level I’m glad Steam will have some real competition so they might actually give some small fraction of a shit about what they’re doing for the first time in like five years, but at the same time I really don’t feel like dealing with ANOTHER launcher and ANOTHER storefront. My Steam library has 661 games in it.

He’s got some legitimate complaints but I agree it’s blown out of proportion.

He’s got some legitimate complaints but I agree it’s blown out of proportion.

I expected adults to be able to discuss an issue like adults. Admittedly that WAS optimistic of me.