
While I’m glad to put Simple and Clean behind me, I’m not really digging the dubsteppy vibe I got from this song.

It’s a perfectly valid complaint. You got a thing you weren’t expecting to get and didn’t sign up for. I suppose the real question is: how much do you care? Is it a complaint worth cancelling your subscription over?

It’s a perfectly valid complaint. You got a thing you weren’t expecting to get and didn’t sign up for. I suppose the

I try to steer away from the free speech argument in general here. Not that there isn’t one, because there probably is, but because free speech tends to apply to speech in public, which would only really be the case if someone was playing h-games on the jumbo-tron in Times Square or something. This is happening in

Age play does tend to get a similar reaction from this same group of people, though not quite as vocally.

Then don’t make a blanket statement. If you have something to say, use specific terms.

I was waiting for the “you disagree with me therefore you’re a pedophile.” It actually took longer than I expected.

That’s such an absurd blanket statement.

Interesting, I hadn’t thought of that but you’re right. I suppose if they want to give subscribers Overwatch or Destiny 2 though, how else would they do it? They’re only available through the Blizzard launcher.

Interesting, I hadn’t thought of that but you’re right. I suppose if they want to give subscribers Overwatch or

And yet, behold all the angry blowhards getting triggered on the internet.

Honestly I don’t have an interest in like half of what I get from Humble Monthly. It’s still a good deal for the other half though.

Honestly I don’t have an interest in like half of what I get from Humble Monthly. It’s still a good deal for the

When and what was this? I don’t remember Humble acting against their subscriber agreement. I remember them offering this particular deal to new customers which did feel kind of scummy for someone like me who’s been subscribed to them for a while, but that’s hardly breaking an agreement.

When and what was this? I don’t remember Humble acting against their subscriber agreement. I remember them offering

Since the key is assigned to your account whether you redeem it or not, no, they save no money if you don’t pick up your games. Also it’s like 2 clicks. Keys on your account are sorted by date. You’re just being lazy.

Since the key is assigned to your account whether you redeem it or not, no, they save no money if you don’t pick up

From their insane need to justify something disgusting and harmful probably. Where do any criminals get justification for their actions? Very very few people set out to commit a crime, everyone has a reason for everything.

It matters a great deal because there’s a difference between cartoons and people. If you honestly can’t tell the difference between those two things, you need some serious help.

Look at you not knowing the difference between a drawing and a person.

I don’t know. And neither do you. Unless you’d like to present some evidence to support that claim. Personally I don’t know of any studies correlating consumption of loli artwork and actual statutory rape. 

Interesting. I hadn’t thought of the connection there and I suspect you’re right, disgusting as that comparison is.

You’re partially right. I thought it was a supreme court case, it was not. A federal judge in Virginia ruled that criminalization of cartoon porn was unconstitutional. So, not the supreme court.

For what exactly?

I haven’t seen any pro-pedophilia arguments, though admittedly I didn’t look all that hard for them because such an argument would be ridiculous on its face.