Calli Arcale

I have worked with and for the FAA on radar development and upgrade projects for 30 years and I can tell you that Elon has NFC on what it takes to “upgrade the Air Traffic control system”. The two main Air Traffic control systems have already been upgraded and now the effort is to upgrade all the radar, airport and

He can’t fix his fucking cars that stay on terra firma. Now, he thinks he can fix things that fly around in the air?

This is the same guy who spreads rocket junk falling out if the sky all over a bunch of Caribbean islands, so sure he knows what to do.

He can’t solve traffic issues in two dimensions....  

The lawsuit doesn’t allege incompetent controllers were hired instead of CTI graduates.

That kind of goes to something I cannot reconcile about my rural county. While Obama didn’t win the county, he did get 48% of the vote. Somehow this same county voted nearly 75% for Trump. It just doesn’t seem plausible.

doesn’t even deserve the ride down the digestive tracks.

Install beds in control towers !

― Lyndon B. Johnson

Repeat until morale improves!

They don’t give a flying fuck about even the appearance of such, just DEI bad.

It’s just a ploy to keep white men in control of everything. They truly believe that if anyone but a white male gets any desirable job, they aren’t qualified. It’s the “great replacement” theory at it’s core, it’s racist and sexist, and will put unqualified white men in charge of things they shouldn’t be in charge of,

There is only one acceptable picture of Lord Dingleberry Fuckstick raising his hand allowed.

Cut sick days and vacations, extend work hours !

Throw in some severe pay cuts for good measure.

I have lived near DCA most of my adult live and consider it my “home” airport. The biggest problem is dipshit politicians who always meddle in airport operations. The capacity and airspace is limited, but every congressman wants a direct flight to and from his district, and reasonable and recommended flight

Hard to staff the DC ATC so eliminate DEI hiring? Surely making the hiring process more complex and installing a very hostile working environment will boost employment numbers.....solid plan, boys.

Close. He’s got lots of children who hate him.

Like a drunk, childless uncle that knows exactly how everyone else should raise their kids.

Definitely gonna push for more working from home this year. I fly a lot for my work, and I don’t want to do that anymore.