Calli Arcale

Right? To anyone doubling down or arguing this wasn’t what we all saw, I challenge them to make a gesture that represents “my heart goes out to you.” Try it gently. Try it vigorously. Try it any way you like as long as the intent is to symbolically gesture as though you are offering your heart to a crowd.

It didn’t look like a Nazi salute. It WAS a Nazi salute. Bro clicked his heels and thumped his chest first, then he turned around and heiled the flag. Anyone still pretending this was some awkward wave or “miming throwing his heart to the audience” is engaging in knowing denialism and deserves to be shamed from public

well someones gotta play the role of Goebbels.

I also know MANY awkward people (I work in STEM), and shockingly not a single one has ever done a nazi salute.

Wow I did nazi this coming.

It is total BS that autistic people somehow habitually offend people left and right. If anything autistic people are deathly afraid of accidentally offending people when they didn’t mean to.

Way more. Trump is just a corrupt, self serving man with no real conviction. Musk on the other hand, has some outlandish eugenics beliefs.

Oh, I’m sure he and Stephen Miller will be workplace besties.

Aaaaand he’s going to have an office in the White House. 

He’s hitting the point where his excuse of autism isn’t cute anymore and starting to crack. Also disgusting how he is using aligning an entire neurodivergent population as a scapegoat.

Ah, the Model SS.

Telling isn’t it! Someone saying the brand is worth about $40 bil but the stock market and its irrational investors are saying it’s worth over a trillion.

I’d say that Musk may already be edged out of Trump’s orbit.

Yup. Right here in this picture we’ve got a grandson of nazis and son of apartheidists, who has openly endorsed the AFD (German neo-nazis), courted the alt-right and hate groups, gifted Twitter to them as an open platform, and is talking about “securing the future of human civilization” right as he’s doing the

Musk is an actual fucking nazi.  NOBODY should buy a tesla.  FUCK that POS.

I’m just going to leave this here. He has clearly he told us who he really is, all in one photo. He also did this solute several times!

I replaced my Model 3 with an EV made in a country where Musk could have been arrested for that salute. Irony. 

Or call people that are rescuing children “pedos”. 

No company is completely innocent (just look at all the banks accused of fraud or robbing their own customers). But these days I will settle for the companies whose CEOs aren’t making “awkward hand gestures” during public appearances.

My cousins from Boston call them “tonic”. I always consider it weird. But then, I’m a Southerner. We have our own quirks. Who am I to judge?