Calli Arcale

We got a tiny bit of snow here in the Twin Cities over the weekend, and I had the pleasure of driving being a jerk who had barely cleared off his sedan as I entered the freeway yesterday. He’d wiped off about a third of his back window so he could see (the side he could get without walking his lazy butt around to the

I am absolutely loving this terminology, but actually both are frequently true at the same time. The river bottom isn’t solid at all. It’s constantly changing, a source of endless frustration for the US Army Corps of Engineers that has to maintain the channel. But hey, it keeps dredge boats in business.

There are ten in the US; Canada has the lion’s share, because that’s where they were born. They fight fires locally, and also fly abroad to fight fires. It’s not unusual for Canadian-flagged Super Scoops to turn up in the US, and even overseas.  They go where the fires are.

Well, now I’m mad we’re wrecking stuff we’ve borrowed! I mean, I’m glad we’ve still got our fleet of ten, but jeez..... This is a valuable asset, and we need it doing its job.

When I saw the headline, I figured that idiot drone operators were just making it unsafe to take off. But an actual *collision* damaging the aircraft that badly? I’m furious! These planes are extraordinarily precious; there are only 10 in service in the US, including this one. When they find that drone pilot, he or

One of the absolute best Doctor Who stories was “City of Death”, a four-parter from Tom Baker’s run, partly written by Douglas Adams. There’s a hilarious bit with cameos by John Cleese and Eleanor Bron as art patrons; the TARDIS has been hiding in plain sight in Paris by basically being parked in a modern art museum

I figure it’s art because it’s certainly not a house.  :-P

Ahhhhh, one more detail on the listing — it looks like they have it platted so you get to subdivide those many acres into some teeny tiny lots that you can sell off later. That’s where the real profit from this sale will go. They’re looking to sell this to a real estate investor.

Ooo, better hurry, folks.  This is on sale -- they dropped the price $50K to get to this glorious price tag of $1,550,000.

Yes! The lighting would be fine for that, but it would be awfulto try to live in.

The one thing I miss the most from my first house is the huge garage. A typical 1950s era rambler, but one of the prior owners had been a baker, and they built a ginormous attached garage to park their bread delivery truck. 10' door, two stalls wide. I miss that thing.  My minivan could get in there with a canoe on

And yet, countries with incredibly fierce punitive laws still have crime. Granting criminals impunity certainly doesn’t work, but punishment clearly isn’t as much of a deterrent as people think, given that criminal gangs still operate even in countries which still have amputation as a penalty for theft, and public

Ironically to the point you’re making, Donald Trump and the other rich folks above the law are 100% in favor of making police chases as dangerous and violent as possible. They’d like the police to not just chase these people but open fire on them.

I suppose his flight had *originated* in Houston, but by this time was over the panhandle. ;-) But yeah, that bit in the article was kind of jarring.

Well, he was born in Milwaukee, which probably has something to do with that.

I am quite certain the entity who might buy this will either do no cooking whatsoever, or will raze this monstrosity to build something less abhorrent.

Alright, well at least that’s art. I mean, I don’t like it and it doesn’t look livable (like most “architecture” set-piece homes), but it’s architecture and some real effort and skill went into it. It mirrors the Cybertruck’s lines and then ups its game masterfully — artistically speaking, it does what the Cybertruck

Fun fact: only 19% of the people in the world have driver’s licenses. (I’ve seen statistics that point it lower, but that’s the statistic the MN DPS gave when I was registering my daughter for her road test, anyhow.) Just an interesting bit of perspective.

As has been noted elsewhere in the thread, the fee to rideshares/taxis/etc is nowhere near as steep in order to encourage use of these instead of personal vehicles. Fares will increase, but not as much as you think.

Yeah, that’s well described. The military is one of the biggest bureaucracies in the world and that means that even when it’s got money and resources up the wazoo, it’s super easy for one pencil-necked pen pusher to screw you over in a way that will prevent you actually accessing those resources for entirely stupid