That is a rather beautiful mental image. Thank you for making my lunch break. :-)
That is a rather beautiful mental image. Thank you for making my lunch break. :-)
It was permanent DST that got tried. Permanent standard time was used for the entirety of human history before the introduction of DST and worked out just fine.
This is funny coming from the guy doing the most complaining in the entire thread. :-)
Well, everybody’s gotta work for somebody, and jobs aren’t always easy to come by. I’m not gonna blame them for taking the job. By all accounts, it’s horrible to work for Tesla, so if they took the job and kept it, there likely weren’t a lot of other options available at the time.
DCMA is the Defense Contract Management Agency. I should clarify that they’re not auditing the Pentagon and the DoD itself, so they don’t actually do *all* of the auditing. (Maybe they should!) They audit the contractors, and manage foreign military sales.
I can move to Arizona, sure. (And so could you; at a lower latitude, you’ll have less impact from the changing daylight to annoy you at midsummer and midwinter.) But that won’t do a thing about the pointless loss of productivity for the rest of the country, which is what really bothers me.
Don’t forget also the DCMA, which does all the auditing and so forth for the DoD. I know a guy who used to work for them. (Family friend; great guy, very diligent; very sharp. He’ll spot errors, for sure!)
Driving in the daylight and driving in the dark aren’t the problem for me. It’s driving at sundown and sunup that are the problem -- especially when that damn daystar is right in that spot right between the dash and the sun visor where it’s impossible to block.
Yep, and I can guarantee you this universally liked idea is the one which will not actually get done. (Partly because of the holy war that is already in progress over which time to pick.)
Yep. The problem is the switch. Forcing the entire nation (minus Arizona) to be jetlagged for a week twice a year is insane. I don’t care what time we pick. We just need to pick one. Anything. Throw a damn coin.
It’s the solstice. The sun’s also setting really late that day. There is plenty of sunlight to use.
Hah! Okay, that’s funny. :-D Yeah, I’ve got family in Arizona, and yeah, it’s hot there. Well, less family than I used to. I need to go visit, while I still can. My great-aunt and great-uncle used to have this awesome place in Tuscon, but sadly they’ve both passed. My godmother still lives in Tempe, though. I gotta…
What’s really silly is that Alaska is using DST. If the Sun is up 24 hours, what exactly is being saved? :-D
Here’s the funny thing about all the folks who swear that DST is better or worse:
The nights are exactly the same length regardless of what time the clock says.
Usually, the reason the government loans money to businesses, it’s because it’s a comparatively high risk or novel industry such or there’s extra cost (making it unattractive to banks) and there’s some kind of societal or strategic benefit to the nation that justifies the particular investment. For electric cars, the…
Exactly like the one Tesla got! :-D But about that . . . even as you admitted, if Rivian succeeds, they will have to pay it back (and as I undestand it, the factory deal isn’t permanently scotched; they haven’t actually given up yet). It’s really not the free money Ramaswamy pretends it is.
“No wonder anyone with any sense has gone away.”
Precisely. If he were “in government” he’d have to divest himself, and he’s not in a billion years gonna do that.
I suppose it’s a bit like farming. You work with what you have. You amplify it. You make it more and more and more. And that’s exactly what they’re doing.