Calli Arcale

Oh god. I wishI could work through a migraine.  But I’ve learned the hard way that this is not a good idea.  Maybe your migraines are mild, or your jobs isn’t mentally taxing, but I make too many mistakes if I work through a migraine -- plus, I recover a lot faster if I just go take a nap like my brain is pleading me

Makes me think of the Park Tavern accident in St Louis Park not too long ago. I haven’t heard what the cause of the accident was (alcohol, medical event, etc.), but two people were killed, four were injured, and the restaurant’s patio was heavily damaged. The six hit were all in the outdoor patio. I believe one of

Looking again at the video, yeah, she deserved that ticket. I mean, even if you don’t understand how the carwash is supposed to work, you should at least understand how the laws of physics work. If there is an object in front of you, don’t keep driving right into it! Not even at idle pace!

I wish a copy had ticketed my grandma. She never got into an accident that was her fault (she got t-boned once by a guy failing to yield, who turned out to be well known to the hospital for showing up with “neck pain” after accidents — he was a repeat insurance scammer), but she was stopped by police *repeatedly* for

I’ve been rear-ended twice. Second time, I know for a fact the lady who bashed in the tailgate of my Rav4 so hard it needed to be replaced did not get a ticket. (She was following too closely, obviously.) First time, I’m not sure if a ticket was given, but I hope so. It didn’t happen while I was watching, but since

The fact that it’s in a peninsula right between some major shipping arteries probably has something to do with it as well.

When I’m driving, I tolerate my autistic daughter picking the songs, and my husband. Nobody else. :-)

Maybe it’s because (so far) nothing I’ve ever done since has hurt quite so much as that hot coffee down my arm did?

I like coffee and tea, but I don’t like scalding my mouth, so I always put some ice in it to bring it down to a more reasonable temperature.  Not cold or even lukewarm, but just like 120 F instead of why-can’t-I-feel-the-roof-of-my-mouth-anymore.

“Well, one lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on X.” He later said, “Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text.”

I don’t think you’re intentionally conflating NASA with the nuclear bomb tests, but for what it’s worth, NASA was not involved with those. The nuclear bomb testing was performed by the military. Probably the most visible evidence is if you look at Enewatok Atoll on Google Maps — you can see a number of very round

Odds are good it won’t be, but even if it is, they’ll have fixed it by then. Or just take lots of Sudafed beforehand to make sure you’ve got really good and open airways ahead of time! :-D

I am nerd. :-p

Thanks to a family friend who was a successful Mary Kay saleswoman, I used to wear a lot of Mary Kay cosmetics when I was a teen and young adult. When I started my career, one of my coworkers was trying out the Mary Kay thing as a side gig since she enjoyed cosmetics and despite also being an engineer with an

Dealership Closes Rather Than Pay Customer It Screwed Over A Measly $3,000

He brought out the “nuclear weapons” line like he had no real answer so he just brought in the ultimate zinger to shut everybody down. The perfect *ahem* trump card to win all arguments, suitable for anytime you either don’t have an answer or are tired of the debate, perfected by small children playing with action

Well, I suppose possibly Trump is arguing that if the sea level rises enough, there will be oceanfront property all the way up in Michigan. Not sure if he means the Atlantic sloshing around the Appalachians and actually drowning half the continent, or somehow flooding up the Seaway and turning the Great Lakes salt, or

Same here, although after both of my cruises, I discovered that I suffer from something I’d never heard of before: mal de debarquement. It’s where you feel totally fine at sea, but after the cruise, you feel as if the ground is moving. It’s rather unsettling, and it lasted significantly longer after the second cruise

The phrase “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me” comes to mind.

Our kids get older -- we don’t, and neither do our dogs!  (I wish....)