Yep. incredibly stupid and pointless.
Yep. incredibly stupid and pointless.
Well, yeah. I think he just picked the Tesla because it’s expensive (smashing expensive cars is, in some respects, more fun than smashing cheap ones) and he had one available for smashing.
My feet sometimes get really uncomfortable in shoes, so I’ll slide my stockinged feet out of them. (Or at least the right foot, because that’s the one with the problem. Had surgery a few years ago to try and correct it, and it absolutely worked, but just recently it’s started happening again.) But I will NOT walk down…
Easiest case to prosecute? Literally phoning it in. :-D Except it was the *defendant* phoning in the prosecution’s best evidence!
Felony level stupidity seems accurate. :-) I mean, if he was smart enough to do any of those things, he wouldn’t have been calling into his court date for driving on a suspended license while driving on a suspended license. :-D
Yeah, they’re pretty creepy. That whole idea of “restore the Temple so Jesus will come and end the world” thing? Yikes.
I saw one at dusk, with its headlights on. They don’t look very effective.
Ow. I looked at the picture (while eating — I’m not bothered by blood) and that definitely needed stitches. Wound like that, on a very bendy body part that gets frequent use (you will never quite appreciate just how often you use your wrists until you’ve got them bandaged or splinted), is absolutely going to need…
At sufficiently large scales, 0 and 100 are as close to each other as to make no difference anyway. :-P
Drunk is still possible. That’s when you’re most likely to think “hey, check this out . . . I’M KING OF THE W. . . W. . . WAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhh.......” <splah.
Beware la tricoteuse.....
I think he might be amenable to deporting the Jews as well, actually. I think so would a lot of his supporters. There’s a very ugly undercurrent to the full-throated support of Israel by some white supremacists, and it’s not really because they’re pro-Jew, nor even because of the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” thing.…
No, you’re only allowed to hurt one side of the equation. Otherwise it’d be a fair comparison. ;-)
And that’s why he makes a fuss about this sort of thing. Focusing people on a meaningless “threat” like the gay panic creates a useful distraction.
Aesthetic schmaesthetics, amiright? We should just go back to brutalist architecture and forget all this frippery about making things look nice.
Yes, he does have time for this. He has to keep his base fired up so they stay distracted from the mess he’s making of everything else.
Okay, you definitely underestimate how expensive forty years of obsolesence is on a system as complex as a spacecraft (not to mention the price tag of a large telescope mirror — those simply don’t fall into the “cost effective” category no matter what you do). This has nothing to do with having lost the blueprints or…
Since it’s so hard to tell tone on the Internet, I have to ask: are you being serious or sarcastic?
No. The US is a signatory to the Outer Space Treaty. In this case, NASA is only asserting ownership of the Hubble Space Telescope, specifically.
Far better. ;-)