
Yup, ditto here. I’m in that age bracket and the last CoD I played was MW3. After that, things got too twitchy and formulaic for me and I couldn’t keep up with the kids who were just faster than me and had more time to play than I did. I’m very much enjoying this new MW as it really reminds me of the days when CoD4

You and me both. I quit playing when wall running became a thing, because I simply couldn’t keep up with it. I’m old, and I don’t feel like picking up a cocaine habit to have a chance of hanging with all these teenagers. Now that things have slowed down and become a bit more tactical, I might actually have a shot at a

It’s truly a large shift personally for a lot of people here if this goes how we’re all anticipating. I’ve been here since they used to cover Stadium Sex ~2010~ when I was a sophomore in college. I was immature as all hell back then (c’mon, it’s college) and so was the site, but the arc Deadspin has grown up on and

Now where am I supposed to talk about my fantasy teams?

At this point my work productivity will skyrocket.

Well boys & girls, it looks like we’re in the endgame now.

Petchesky was just canned, unbelievable.

ffffff...Apparently Barry just got fired over this.

This is the quality content I’m (genuinely) looking for. Let’s be real, the only time I read a sports story  is when you guys shit on the Browns because I feel validated as a disgruntled fan.

Nope, not a cult at all.


This is some well timed sports sticking! Go Ray!

I’m saddened by the imminent firing of the great Ray Ratto.

“This is motor racing”

Congrats on the absolute worst fucking take of the day.