Call Me Murphy

My apologies for the misunderstanding. My comment was meant for everyone, even myself. I have a good friend, a cousin, and a neighbor that I stood in line with for over an hour to vote that all have vastly different opinions than me and I realized, while writing that comment, that I avoid certain conversations with

A real coal miner wouldn’t have voted to destroy unions.

It took me a second to realize you were referencing your username, not your boss just being racist since Trump won.

PDF is much better though, it’s searchable and you don’t need to store it and it never falls apart. Computers at the gaming table are much better too. I’m not sure how they’re distracting unless you let them distract you? That sounds like a personal concentration problem.

What really gets me about the Obama enthusiasts-turned-Clinton haters (many of them Bernie supporters) is that Clinton basically promises to be a continuation of Obama’s administration in terms of Supreme Court picks, healthcare, women’s rights, etc. For this reason, I really don’t understand why people who were so

I need a place to vent about all Bernie supports in my life. It’s like, listen. I voted for him too and I was disappointed when he didn’t get the nomination, but you guys, seriously? Get your shit together. He’s not running for president anymore. He dropped out of the race, threw his support behind Hillary and urged

“Vote Hillary” is the only political position Weld holds that I agree with.

Oh please let’s win the House. I can’t stand eight more years of Congress refusing to actually do any work.

I think they were talking more about the specific films than the overarching structure of the MCU. Each film has been a pretty routine, by-the-numbers affair. It’s assembly-line cinema. While the scale of the assembly line is ambitious, the widgets coming off that assembly line are just the same basic products that

Actually, it’s much more aggravating when anyone not in NYC, DC or Shanksville, or who suffered a personal loss on that day trying to take ownership of 9/11. Because they saw it on TV.

New Yorkers are generally “over” 9/11, as it were. They were basically over it in October, 2001. Yes, there is still a wound there,

don’t forget about Quantum Leap

Ted Cruz combines the charisma of a mortician with the political savvy of the kid who wears a suit while running for high school class president.

Forget it, Kate. It’s Gothamtown.

yup, Warcraft and Starcraft where totally original...

In general, NMS is a very special case, since there is the promise of infinite possibilities, you cant just look at one or two solar system one hour and say, “ok this is all the game has to offer”, so based on the promises made by HG one can spend a LOT of time confirming the absence of MANY features, in fact this is

Seriously. Jackson was bad, Neeson, and McGregor and his Alec Guiness impression were bad, but all geeks focus on is how both the actors playing Anakin were bad. Only the old vets of bad movies like Christopher Lee knew how to deal with an incomptetent director and bad script and still shine.

There’s a good CBR article on that (that won’t come up because of their shit site redesign) on that. Short story is, it came down to him wanting to combine Spider-Man and Wolverine, since they were his chief competition at the time. As much as I don’t like his comic output, he always has this kernal of an idea that

Katie Ledecky badly needs a nerf. Don’t know how the dev missed this OP bug before the Olympics went gold.

Oddly, watching Episode VII’s completely derivative plot (which I felt ended up being an OK if not great movie) actually made me appreciate what Lucas was attempting to do in the prequels - to create an entirely new story around things we thought we knew - a bit more.

Let’s get one goddamn thing straight: You don’t care in the least about the people of Iraq or Libya. You’re welcome to condemn Hillary for voting in favor of the war as well as her decision to intervene in Libya; as matters of policy, sure, you can object to those choices (and to be clear, I absolutely agree that they