I Started Something

This one may be more to your liking then.

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

This kind of thinking is what bothers me.
“Trump supporters voted because of jobs, not racism, sexism, homophobia!”
“Cool, so we can keep supporting the marginalized/calling out racism, sexism and homophobia, while supporting economic development in rural communities?”

Edit: It’s insulting to

I think it is worth noting that Donald Trump is almost certainly not the next Hitler and that I generally find comparisons between Nazism, the Holocaust, and contemporary people and events highly distasteful and disrespectful of all those who lost their lives. There are exceptions of course. It is appropriate to


Hey, but at least we kept that bitch Killary outta office, amirite folks?

I’m sorry, this is a fucking stupid thing to say/think in this case:

Boo and vote! Vote and boo!

Dear Maggie,

He probably gets that a lot now, Pence is still very unpopular in Indiana (people voted for Trump, not him). And then there’s this guy

What fetishization? This is simply a case of two sycophantic journalists. (Psst, you have them too in Canada.)

So Pence got booed during Hamilton...

Exactly. The whole notion of “respecting the office, not the man” is based on convention and tradition but this whole election him and his buddy blatantly ignored that convention and tradition whenever it suited them. Releasing tax returns? Agreeing to put holdings in blind trust? Not having government agencies try to

Going to see Hamilton is “trying to engage”?? I hope every time Pence says or does something dumb someone Tweets Itzkoff with “hey, but he went to Hamilton! At least he tried!”

I live in Indianapolis and was at a Pacers game in 2015 around the time Pence passed RFRA. I was sitting in the first row of the balcony and Pence was sitting just below me. I was drunk and proceeded to boo the shit out of him and lob all kind of obscenities his way. After a few minutes my buddy sitting next to me

Trump Pence have no plans of applying civility, they shouldn’t expect it.

I’m so glad this is on YT and won’t be lost when vine goes down.

That’s good, but come on: “You don’t get to cape for white supremacist Batman and homophobic Robin and then use the language of the brown and queer to push your shitty television programming,” is a sentence that will outlive us all.

I explained shade to my parents and my dad said: “There’s a word for what your mom does?” He now rejoices in pointing out shade where he finds it. He’s extremely accurate.