Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.
Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.
TBH, I always thought that those two were just normals who were trying to articulate what’s good about regular sedans when everyone you know drives a crossover or truck.
In his vision it was true. In the final, hacked up, mutant version which finally cleared congress (the one where legislators allowed providers to take all of the early benefits but also had an out once it became less profitable), that promise had gone out the window.
“somewhat successful sex offender”
4 words strung together in sequence that I did not anticipate seeing on the internet today.
I can put up with 8 years of people bitching about Obama, but you’re too chickenshit to put up only with 2 weeks?
How could it possibly be perceived as a win for him? He took literally no concrete action to do anything because he doesn’t actually wield any power until he’s sworn in.
And even so, UAW agreements have locked in these jobs anyway. If there’s anybody to credit for keeping production around it’s unions.
Heaven for-fucking-bid that an automotive blog get out in front of a political story that is directly at the heart of the American automotive industry and which they can talk about with knowledge, depth, and most importantly, specific knowledge of models, plants, and a history of tracking where vehicles are slated to…
But she’s on the list. She’s a smug, rich, insulated idiot who imagines herself to be a great political philosopher of the left. Nothing in her privileged and graceful life has ever exposed her to real risk or hardship. I’m sure she can endure a few tweets from Debra Messing.
thats part of the reason i love coming here. i can hear about this shit without actually having to try to seek it out and watch it myself. it keeps me hip.
I just thought Rich was referring to how she said you’d have to buy the book to understand. I dunno. We’re so used to snark I think sometimes we might read things through that lens even when it isn’t there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I like how this guy was ready to film the murder of his leashed sled dog...
I feel confident that Marissa Hermer would be just a bit put off by a gift from Goop. Not because there’s anything wrong with Goop — good god, no! Marissa Hermer absolutely adores Gwyneth and truly admires her entrepreneurial spirit. It’s just that in the circles traversed by Marissa Hermer, Goop is so... expected.…
Only sometimes? My car gets no miles starting Friday 3:30pm.
Cthulhu must be doing some emotional eating.
The well-behaved first child is the decoy, meant to lull you into a false sense of security before the second destroys your sanity and crushes your soul. And #1 will of course do a heel turn and join in.
Bad call on Ma Fantod’s part, there.
They’ll break the wine glass and stab you with the stem the second you relax.
I’m trying to figure out the logical end of this thought that isn’t “it’s okay to withhold the rights of a person in hijab if it’s by another person in hijab.”
Please, please, please, let the Trump-Pence administration’s first full scale scandal... be the contents of leaked emails.