
I liked that angle too. I just saw the film and thought it was one of the most interesting things about the characters. In a lot of ways this film reminded me of demmes Rachel Getting Married.

I loved Burning Love one of the funniest things Ive seen in a really long time ` - looking forward to Another Period cause Natasha was so good in burning love

you wont be sorry thats such a good album also Roses in the Snow

I saw Minions and it was really lacking something - I felt like the villan Scarlet Overkill should have been designed to look like a Bond Girl instead of a 50s housewife. She should have been more sexy and memorable. I'm studying animation and I like to think of how I would have given my spin on a character when it

Yeah they look like Osmonds or Mitt Romneys family - very clean cut wearing preppy clothes and golfing. With the conservative hillbilly hunter tea party persona they really hit on something - thats an audience who has a lot of disposable income to buy their crap. They are also very loyal - look at how many of those

I saw the Phoenix show on July 11th I went to see Manson and I loved him - I am a big fan it was my fourth time. I saw people leaving a few songs into Pumpkins - after the rock pyro high energy spectacle that Manson put on SP were very low key and to me boring. Except for a few big hits I have never really liked them.

i love seeing films in a theatre setting - its one of the things I miss about not living in a major city and why im so eager to get out of this small town….

Saw it yesterday at a film festival I really laughed out loud and so did many people. I love dry humor and I liked how they used OLD vampire tropes like from the Universal monsters era - the most recent vampire pop culture thing they mention (that I recall) is Lost Boys. I loved Petyr the Nostferatu and "the Beast" as

thats all I thought about it - she simply plays the role that would normally be played by a man. I really hate rom coms and thats all this was honestly.

some body on one of the AV club comment sections sat behind GRRM at a theatre when the Pixels trailer came on and said he seemed shocked that Peter was in it as well.

nice gift! im currently studying to work as an animator and i'm gonna revisit Wall-E because of your post. I adore it but havent watched it in probably two years

I really liked S1 of Under the dome becuase it followed the book closely and I loved the book. Last summer when s2 started I watched the first episode (written by King) and never watched any more. Last night I started S2 again and four episodes went by before I knew it - Im liking it now. As well as King Brian K

I binge watched this in 2012 - my local library had all of the box sets. I usually dont binge shows but Big Love pulled me in I couldnt stop - I found their lives so facinating. When people talk about "prestige TV" and terms like this I always wonder why this show is never mentioned. I have always loved Bill Paxson.

I Saw What we do in the shadows at the Prescott film festival and loved it - really funny and dry. My last final is Tuesday and I want to check out Flight of the Conchords on Amazon prime Ive never seen it and if its anything like this I will love it. Jemaine Clement I first noticed as Nigel the Cockatoo in Rio -

Umm Jerry Stahl great idea. I mean Chuck Pahanuk is writing them now….

because of a recommendation here I picked up the new Archie with Fiona Stapes art and am loving it. Ive had to cut down on a lot of comics because of space and money issues. Also I found out the land I live on is being sold so I don't know what my new rent will be or where im going to live. I did get lately new Saga,

I guess I just wasnt sure WHY the tension kept building and building between the scenes of Stewart and Binoche running the lines from the play if it wasnt to show sexual tension of some kind between the two. I know we are shown that Stewarts character had a date with a male photographer but she didnt seem to care when

I watched Clouds of Sils Maria cause Id heard good things about it but it just had problems. It would take a long time to list all of them but basically I think we are supposed to feel there is some kind of sexual tension between Juliet Binoche and Kristin Stewart and I just didn't feel that. Also Chloe Grace Moritz

Yeah he was! Musically Smashing Pumpkins were great - they really jammed. But it was two guys standing there in jeans and t shirt and Billy in what looked like a sharkskin suit. And after the spectacle that was Manson it was just boring. Manson wasn't ALL just flash either - Twiggy was spot on, the band rocked and

such a great film I want to re watch it now thanks for the tip