
I have never been able to get into his stand up but I thought he was amazing in Big Fan - a really good film most likely cause of the great script. I just watched it again cause it was added to Amazon Prime. He was also good in Young Adult I thought

yes you just back away slowly and then cut off ALL contact with a guy like this. They wanna fight you and they wanna get violent.

yes. that is called assault. at the very least thats what irs called. a lot of people (me included) WOULD report him to the cops. after a long abusive marriage I take physical violence real seriously. Dans kind of brush off response to this was sad

richard williams is the MASTER one of my three favorite films and the genius in this film is because of him

This is too bad cause Surfs Up is an excellent animated film and one of my favorites. Witty great plot incredible animation with Jeff Bridges reprising the Dude as a beach bum Penguin. Have been looking forward to a new film from Ash. I didnt know this was out and was looking forward to it - guess I'll wait for rental

its wonderful I also love his "Two brothers" about two siberian tigers raised very differently. Its a more scripted film though but has touching performances from Guy Pearce and a very young Freddie Highmore

that book will never not be bleak and I found a lot of things about it frustrating but Darnell certainly knows how to describe emotions. Usually bleak ones.

hahaha at least I dont have to deal with you! I knew youd stoop to insults. Im not lying but who the fuck cares. Get a life and piss off you old crab.

Youre both. You want people to be harmed just because they go to see a speaker you dont like. Youre angry Hillary lost and so you want to take your frustrations out on somebody you feel is responsible. You know you would be surprised probably that I am a 50 year old woman that supported Hillary! Im from San Francisco

nah but I knew youd say that. Youre just a sad bitter person. Its unfortunate you are in a teaching position however.

Milo is always laughing at this "white nationalism" crap he has a black boyfriend and as far as I know dates black men. I dont know much else cause I dont really follow him it was the idea of this so called teacher taking pictures of his audience members and posting them with the intention of harm coming to them that

your intent is for individuals who attended a public event to lose their jobs as a direct result of the action YOU started. Its not your concern what the event is or the speaker. People are allowed to attend whatever event they choose to. Thats also how the first amendment works. Thats what my problem is with you -

reporting people to their employers? i'm just speechless. what a self righteous meddler you are. Not to mention a coward

ooh youre so scary behind your keyboard telling me to stick it.

taking your class sounds like the worst form of torture. and I am long out of HS. I'm done with this argument. You sound revolting.

so its ok to keep doing it to people that go see him?

" then proceed to protest peacefully outside and wait for his idiot followers to come out, so you can snap their faces and post it all over the internet that they're white supremacists just like him. "
so doxing and harrassing people you dont know just because they go to an event to hear a speaker you dont agree with

well she may not have got it legally who knows. Its really dangerous - Im an ex heroin addict and its far more powerful then heroin. I almost died several times. If you watch the show intervention its really on the rise in this country. A very tragic death whatever the circumstances I always feel so sad for this man.

I loved it too. I wouldnt analyze to death any science plot holes. The kids were genuinely charming something I def do not feel toward all kid actors. And I have always loved Winona I really hope she starts appearing in more projects after this.

such a great movie I was raised on the national lampoon maybe not the thing most tweens would read but i loved it