
This is from like last three weeks.
Movies - LaLa Land 20th Century women and Sing! ADORED LaLa Land I thought the scenes with Ryan in the band with John Legend dragged a bit but overall was just fresh and amazing. Great soundtrack too. 20th century women was a very profound look at how womens roles started changing

I adore Nathan for You its truly genius. Im blown away by how many people have never heard of it - I promote it as often as I can. LOVED the johnny Depp lookalike episode and the Santa/Pig rescues goat episodes especially from S1

its probably a trade paperback at this point its 6 issues and number 6 came out in September

i loved a lot of things about House of Penance and I am soon moving back to my house that is a mile from the Winchester Mystery House a place I adore. I took my sister and Nephew there before Christmas and my main complaint with this book is the historical inaccuracies in it that dont need to be. Mary was Sarahs NIECE

i agree. Im sure the original box set is very cheap though. If you are a WitchBlade fan have you ever heard the concept album written by Kat Bjelland of Babes in Toyland with her as Sarah Pezzini and Peter Steele of Type O negative as Ian Nottingham with lots of special guests including my favorite Lydia Lunch plus

i liked this show and Yancy too - she was an alchoholic. The guy they cast as Ian Nottingham however was terrible. This has a TON of potential if done right - Ive long been a fan of this comic and a lot of the 90s Top Cow stuff. Michael Turner was one of the greatest artists of all time (RIP)

im in the middle of the third and its really good but not as "snappy" as king usually is. I keep on thugh cause friends tell me its SUCH a great book series and I really loved the second one

there was a 6 issue comic of it by marvel earlier this year that was great. The art was beautiful and the story was well written, its something they could def continue and I think it would be very successful.

thats really awesome and makes me feel better about something that happened to me in 2016 that was similar to OG situation. thanks! I went into a kind of tailspin this fall cause I actually blamed MYSELF

i read your comment a couple weeks ago and was gonna reply but forgot to. I m having trouble getting over a guy that lied to me and he doesnt even have a big dick and is currently very obese. But I loved him! people wondered whaT I saw in him but we knew each other many years. He dumped me for a "buddist-style" faith

I am sorry to hear that I think I need to go to PTSD counseling. I have a very long scary story. I was in a very extreme situation for over 12 years. I tried to run away many times. he always forced me back. I have been raped and beaten to the point I needed a doctor. I dont know what a real relationship is. two years

i liked it too i thought it was genuinely exciting and I love art History. Better then Angels and Demons for sure.

well i'll skip that then! dont need anymore sadness this week!

thats what I'm doing right now! I love that show it really puts me in a good mood and I love Amy Poheler

my ex husband was a stunt driver in Hollywood and Amos and Andrew was the last film he ever worked on. I always thought it was kind of funny and he said Samuel L Jackson was a hilarious guy -didnt seem to like kids though -a family getting a tour of the studio visited the set and the little kid asked SLJ for his

Listening to tons of new music on shuffle while I do homework including new Lady Gaga, Die Antwoord (love them) Bob Weir She Wants Revenge, Chelsea Wolfe, Melane Martinez Suicide Squad ST and just a lot of my favorites like Siouxie, Blondie Heart and my fav Stevie Nicks who I am seeing live in December. Watched the

its coming along slow I guess but a movie of this great book is in the works with screenplay written by Kiernan. Shes one of my fb friends. The Drowning Girl is another book by her I would recommend. This book (Red Tree)was also heavily influenced by the Blair witch Project and just the entire concept of "wrong

I second that. I would read ANYTHING Liz Hand writes but those are INCREDIBLE

well for what its worth I - a total stranger support you. My mother IS supportive but my sister would act just like yours if I had an art show. My soon to be ex husband didnt support anything. I know this sounds like a cliche but be proud of what YOU have accomplished - its a LOT. If I was near I would check it out as

so am I -I was working at a job in the middle of nowhere Arkansas and I drove all the way to Little Rock. It was SO worth it.