
saw Marilyn Manson and Smashing Pumpkins in Phoenix Manson was amazing as he always is. It was my 4th time but I hadnt seen one of his shows since 2001. SP were pretty boring although Billy blazed on guitar. We left three songs before the end of SP set as it was an almost two hour drive home. Started watching season

Max was a cop in the pre apocolyptic world.

Big Eyes was just amazing the way it captured 50s and 60s San Francisco (and Hawaii! where Margaret moves to) was wonderful. And the acting was so compelling. I thought this was Burtons best film in a very long time

I cant wait for it either and I dont have kids but I am studying animation and character design - also it looks really clever

Im tearing through Finders Keepers - Im half way through it and really enjoying it. King said in an interview it was not a horror book - more suspense. I love the trio of Bill, Holly and Jerome and I've just got to the part where they are introduced. Still I think its high time for another big thick involved book like

I have been on a very tough medication in the last several months and Cookie made me feel better too! A lot of pop culture stuff I might once have really liked at the moment I have no interest in. I am usually conflicted about Courtney Love but I also really liked her character on that show another tough and strong

I did watch one of those. The scene in the lightning storm has it ALL. the score was just so good. I may just get the entire thing and I havent done that with a score in a while

Also disliked it. Probably the worst Pixar short ive ever seen. I had seen another short that I thought was about Rileys parents on their first date with emotions inside their heads as little characters but it is not Pixar. Here it is if you have not seen it - very similar idea! its called Brain divided from ringling

I would agree with you (cause your right in the case of most older bands who have sunk in popularity) but on the web cast on this site regarding this tour Billy actually said "people better not expect me to take requests" and other things of that nature. Im going to see Manson (4th time!) and he has a way more laid

im seeing them with Marilyn Manson in Phoenix on july 11th - cant wait. I kind of expect Billy to be surly.

i know I finally saw it too - One thing that really stood out was Junkie XL's great score!!! I have heard Charleze may do a Furiosa prequal.- Its already a comic.

You took the words right out of my mouth….reminds me of Blair Witch Project 2….

McDowell and Steenburgen got married after meeting in this film. I also love this movie!

I need to check this out - this is why I always try and read all the comments in this column - I end up with a list to try!

im so sorry about your dog - mine are everything to me.

I saw Inside Out on Friday and just loved it. There was a lot of nuance in it. Im studying animation again and Pete Docter did advising at my school in the late 90s. It was inspiring.
I watched a film called "Hits" written and directed by David Cross. It started off funny and has something really obvious to say about

I was actually able to check out some pop culture this weekend as I got caught up on my complex summer school homework of the animation program Maya and a math class which is not exactly my forte (the math)…
Jurassic World - I really enjoyed it and I feel Chris Pratt will make an excellent Indiana Jones. The Dino fight

Check out Mick Farris Renquist quartet - a series of vampire novels that cover similar ground - would love to see a decent adaptation….

GREAT comic! The Rob Zombie/Toby Hooper Manson series which WAS gonna be more in that vein was dropped when this was greenlighted and WOW was I disappointed. Bret Easton Ellis did a great podcast with Zombie where he talked about his plans for the show and how he wanted to show the late 60s occult underground - what a

I just got back I was SOOOO disappointed in it. Oh Brad you SHOW not TELL so much. I cant BELEIVE we hardly ever saw the damn Tomorrowland city!!! I mean REALLY - that's what the shroud of secrecy surrounding this film by Bird and Damon Lindoff was supposedly all about!!!! Its why the trailers and ads were so shitty -