
Who does this bitch think she is, Rachel Dolezal? You can’t wash away your black like tanning spray!

That’s exactly what I’m thinking. This f these candidates want to use kids as props what’s their compensation? Electronic transfer, anyone? Be armed with your smartphone.

Right?? The HYPOCRISY of it pauses me off, and these are the same people going “EVERYTHING IS OBAMA’S FAULT!” Arrrghh!

Yeah bitch! With a finger snap!

I almost pissed my pants cracking up. You. Are. Awesome.

Why TF is Tammy even there anyway???

Yeah I understand how she feels too, some of that drama makes me go “oh, come on!” but she DID sign up for it, so...She shouldn’t make herself look so naive.


One hundred percent agree.

No one forced her to sign the contract for doing just that. It’s just like any job: if you don’t do your job and get fired. She should suck it up (champagne with a straw) or leave.

At this point she only has two choices: play the part or quit. I’m just saying....she’d have had to have been living under a rock not to know how these things work. Now, I will agree that some of the drama is just over the top ridiculous, but she had to have some awareness.

Holy fuck, I’m sorry that happened to you! I got all my wisdom teeth pulled out at the same time by a very excellent dentist I am eternally grateful to have had. I mean grateful.

Just how I feel. Retch...

This piece of shit sperm donor (does NOT deserve the title of father, UGHHHH) I hope that fucker gets his was beat with a rusty pipe and then the pipe shoved up his ass!!!

The headline was enough to crack me Tfu..

How...drool making. Yum.

Gays are NOT very likely to be getting married in churches, So your argument falls flat here.

Good! It’s time people figured out that marriage is just another Industry (racket) to pad the pockets of Big Clergy, and Big Business. Marriage liscences cost money. Divorce costs money. Weddings cost money. Money money money. Stop feeding this monster and do not bother getting married! #friendswithbenifits. Besides,

Makes you think of an old Chinese proverb:

I wonder if they take a hippocratic oath at this camp?