
I’m actually saying “Fuck Eve, already” as a literal command to Villanelle, to the two of them. This show has always titillated its (mostly female) audience with their mutual sexual attraction, and it’s been drawn out too long. It’s a silly lezzie romance show now that, if it were a book, would be covered in fake pink

I disagree. It wasn’t necessary to kill Cersei, merely to remove her from the scene. And that’s what he intended to do.


This is wonderful. Thank you for posting! It’s been a tough week for superfans of the Kingslayer.

Maybe let Sansa use the pointy end for a change? Or have Jon do it? Arya shouldn’t have all the kills.

Yeah, I’m not over that, either.

Lommy Greenhands???? Oh, never mind ....

My latest: Sansa and Tyrion rule together, Tyrion in Knight’s Landing and Sansa in Winterfell. Jon goes off to the big north. He is done with “civilized” humankind. Maybe he finds Ghost and Tormund (and another Ygritte) to hang out with.

They’d better be. Their survival would be a degree of plot armor that I’m not sure even this show could withstand.

LOL, you make her sound like Tomi Lahren.

Disagree. This was the first episode this season where I thought the writing almost came back to pre-season 7 levels.

Thanks for pointing that out. That was one of the most tragic moments of this entire series, and it is seldom mentioned.

Weighing in on the death of my most beloved character, Jaime Lannister. I’ve had a few hours to to lick my wounds, and I’ve decided this was a really satisfying way for him and Cersei to go. Cersei got off relatively easily for GOT—no one sliced her head off, or stabbed her in the womb and then sliced her head off—but

I like the possibility of Daario showing up. Very plausible.

Yes. I reminded me of the Season 6 finale. Beautiful and haunting.

I still love the show, but damn, you are right. Maybe, just maybe Weiss and Benioff will pull this off. As for Cersei being the big bad, I want to laugh. I hated Joffrey and Ramsay Bolton more.

True, we only met the Night King in Hardhome—but he commands the white walkers/wights/whatever, who we met in the first 10 minutes of the show. The Army of the Dead has been the looming enemy that could destroy all humans. Poof, they’re gone, on to Cersei.

Was it a thrilling episode? Yes. Was it wise storytelling to kill off THE series-long fantastical archenemy in a single episode, and only the third of the season? Weiss and Benioff are master storytellers, but oh, I am not so sure about this one. Fights among humans are all puny after this.

Thank you, that is exactly what I meant.

My favorite character by a long shot. His death will be devastating.