
My church is such a big part of my life. Being there is as comfortable as home for me. I can’t imagine how violated I would feel if I found out someone had set fire to it.

I’ve always thought it was interesting that her family was involved in the same cult (Children of God…) as the Phoenix family (Rainbow, River, Joaquin). A crazy, sex based Christian cult.

Still not on her side. I mean it does suck that Adam Sandler sucks, no shit. But did anyone else see her interview with Rich on Gawker yesterday? Fuck Rose McGowan.

Yes, Hollywood can suck. But without it we wouldn’t have this

Your comment really grosses me out. Have some fucking empathy you asshole

White person here. This crime was both a racist AND a terrorist attack. They are not mutually exclusive.

I don’t know what kind of “black people” you’re encountering...

Well, there is a high correlation between blackness and poverty because of racism. There is a high correlation between drug use and crime, and poverty. I’m not sure how to address your racist fear of unfamiliar languages and names.

White people NEVER want to follow through on bringing actual equality. “Oh sure, desegregation sounds great! What? You want them coming to OUR schools? Hmmm” The busing riots in Boston, among other events, prove this.

Because almost none of those other minority groups you listed were brought to this country as slaves? Durrrrrrrr. I’m Indian. Literally every single Indian I know in America is here because they or their parents had a student visa to study to become an engineer or doctor. Not because they were ripped from their

Sure. But a girl with daddy issues wants those things in excess.

Actually that’s the core issue with most people’s issues when dealing with relationships.

How can you love anyone else if you don’t love yourself first?

You have to get comfortable with yourself, and make sure that whomever you find doesn’t “complete” you because that is dumb, you can’t say that “I’m nothing without

Yep, and it’s such a throwaway for any time a woman dares to lay down expectations for a man. As in, since we are in a relationship, when I text you, I expect a response within a reasonable timeframe. Asshole guy’s response: geez, back up with your clingy shit—what, do you have daddy issues?!?

There you go, get it all out.

For the sake of argument, let’s assume that all of Amoruso’s friends are super rich (which I highly doubt) and to them, this registry is totally reasonable. Even if that were the case, the lack of “presents are not expected, your presence is enough” language still pushes the whole thing over the edge.

Well, I’d say it’s at least dishonorable to sleep with somebody else while in a relationship, lie about it, and then try to get child support for one of them from the wrong person, but what do I know? I’m not sure this fits as slut shaming.

Last I checked, all sperm are busted at least once.

I remember that. He said it happened twice and he was astounded because the chances of it happening once was incredible, but for it to happen twice blew him away!

I recently read an interview with Maury (night have even been on here) asking what his craziest episodes were. He said it was that he had multiple instances of DNA tests showing twins born with different fathers.