Blink-182 had the same problem, if I remember correctly.
Blink-182 had the same problem, if I remember correctly.
A friend of mine who worked in support enforcement says part of the problem is how many non-custodial parents don’t see it as child support, but money they’re being forced to pay that bitch.
This is a wonderfully written piece with a rather glaring error: you don’t owe your kids money, you owe it to the women who relied on their own income to clothe, house, and educate the children you love.
Same... while I have sympathy for what he’s going though, I was real interested to read the comments on this piece. Living the life of a starving artist is an okay choice to make if it’s just affecting you, but in this case? And affecting your kids for so long?? At what point are you damaging your kids to fulfill a…
Yup, raising kids is very expensive and very hard.
No I saw that too but that’s like two things. You telling me the ONLY non-writing jobs he could get was UPS or pot farming? If true, then fine I guess. But that’s not what he says. He doesn’t say he’s been sending out 50 resumes a week to regular jobs and can’t get hired. He just mentions writing and these two random…
While he was making six figures, to boot. He left them high and dry then, but we’re supposed to feel sorry for him now? .
I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.
What'd I'd like to know is how the mothers of your children were keeping it together all this time.
Get a real fucking job. Better yet, get two! You have the time because your kids don’t live with you!. You are a grown ass man, and the fact that you call yourself a writer does not excuse you from being responsible for the lives you created.
She lost parts because she didn’t fit into the film. Apparently an “urban” girl can’t be shown in films where the focus isn’t on crime, rap, music, graffiti and drugs. If you fall in love with a script, think “oh, I can do something with this part” it must be annoying to lose out, not because another girl is better…
It’s not about turning against her - it’s acknowledging that her last name and lighter skin have given her advantages that an unknown actress with darker skin could only dream of.
Upcoming example:
Maybe showing up for auditions as herself is the problem? She’s beautiful, but don’t tell me her look isn’t “quirky.” And yes, that’s why it’s called acting - but it helps to go in to auditions prepared for the role you’re after. I know you picked that shot on purpose!
Just not fair! Maybe if her parents were even more famous, this wouldn’t be an issue.Hang in there, Zoe. At least you didn’t have to waste all that time going to Acting School and paying dues like other children of nobodies.
The situations are not the same. For the most part, I’m indifferent to people playing other nationalities (there are arguements that when a Korean person plays a Japanese person it reinforces the idea that asian people are monolithic; the same can’t really be said for when a Canadian plays an American—there are many…
But she doesn't seem like a particularly good actress. Not painfully bad, but sort of wooden. I completely think that what she's talking about is a huge problem, I'm just not sure she's a great example of it. Perhaps she gets cast as herself because her range isn't much beyond that.
The Knicks flat out killed any chance they had of winning with Anthony by trading for him.
Obviously he’d noticed a series of microfractures within the Knicks organization.