
Plus Sophia Amoroso is the worst possible example of a woman boss. From all reports she has a personality disorder and terrorizes employees and the company is failing.

That’s not the lesson at all. I recently started my business and honestly hearing about their mistakes gave me an edge I think. I always knew I wouldn’t want to be a shitty boss because I’ve worked retail for so long and gotten treated badly. It’s important to value your workers and in turn they will value the product

Agreed. From what I’ve read about the work environment, I’d feel icky supporting NG. I’ve been in toxic work environments before and feel for these folks.

the list lags, it’s a poll of employees and customers etc... Working here is fabulous... compared to most other places, but in the end, it’s work, and in the oligarchy, and rich people make all the decisions.

No you should, the lesson is to not exploit or undervalue anyone who helps you get closer to realizing your vision.

it’s all a fucking grind.

Their Glassdoor reviews are filled with drama

Stress eczema? That shit is going down at my office the past year with tons of people! (we’re a “top 10 places to work”) company too :) People who quit come running back 2 months later because it’s even worse at the NotTop10s

Did they get fired for buying Eames chairs?

I’m so with you. In October I hit a career jackpot that nearly doubled my paycheck to paycheck salary I was making. I get so anxious having a balance in my account after the bills are all paid. I immediately went and bumped every monthly bill payment up a notch or two so I can get out of debt ASAP. My pep talk to

one of the weirdest things about living in NYC is that every time you get a new job or a raise it just puts you in a position of trying to live somewhat decently.

I asked my coworker, Tim Brady, what he thought about Trump and his plans for Muslims, and he told me to get the fuck out of his cubicle. Also I’m not a reporter. Can I still have $100?

One you missed (although undoubtedly now more famous for his TV work than his days as an athlete):

Left the Cable Company I was employed by for seven years due to discrimination. I was told by many that the department I was in was a “old girls club,,” which I passed off at the time as nonsense. But after having my manager tell me that I was not going to be interviewed for promotions I applied for even though I was

As the mother of a girl and a boy I’m equally determined to raise her not to take this shit and for him to never dream of pulling it.

so there is a happy ending for all of us after all

There is absolutely no stretch of the imagination involved here. Steampunk Jamiroquai douchebag is exactly it.

These guys are still garbage people. I don’t care if they’ve “changed” or “settled down” or whatever, but even if they have, the price of having been such scum-sucking soul vampires is that a lot of people are never going to trust them. They should deal with that, and accept it.

This is kind of like when that lady who wrote “The Rules” got a divorce.

what women want in a guy :