
Some women just don't get it. They're a condition wherein some women have really tight vaginas, and it actually takes a lot of foreplay to make penetrative sex possible. I am one of those women, and my ex wa totally not on board with having to put in the extra leg work(that, and he was an abusive asshole so...). I

once I was out with my friends and they were talking about big dicks and I blurted out that I wasn't a fan and that I once tried to screw a guy with a big dick and it didn't fit. Then everyone laughed and one woman who was kind of the bitchy one said that MrPony must have a small package. That pissed me off and I

Childhood crushes are a dangerous thing. Date your childhood crush, you put on blinders about how he's the weirdest person in the world.

I was going to say something about how it's kind of dumb that condoms ruin the fantasy, but then remembered that I have turned off porn because the shoe choice of the performer was just horrendous. I mean why translucent platforms. Why not a nice pair of Louboutins?

I think the only thing I have seen Dakota Johnson in is her tiny part in The Social Network (she was cute, I mean it really didn't make an impression) and I haven't read or seen any interviews with her for this Fifty Shades mess. I don't know much about her. Jamie Dornan comes off as kind of... very full of himself

Pretty much everything about it. I couldn't finish it (which is surprising given how large the type is). Her obvious privilege and the whole playing poor dumpster-diving look at me nonsense. I grew up in an actually poor family, and it just really pissed me off. And despite being ridiculously shallow (seriously, I was

It's full of Rand-ian BS and generally has a vein of "I shit gold" running through it. I only got halfway through before I had to put it down and regret buying it.

Every single one of them is true, but its so so much worse. It is truly a horrific place.

I hate to be this type of commenter, but: I don't get Nasty Gal. Can someone who does explain the appeal?

Do you think they hired the woman responsible for the see through yoga pants because see through yoga pants is something Nasty Gal would actually sell?

Not shocking. Nasty Gal has been well-known for being a very disorganized company and a pretty terrible place to work for awhile, and a lot of its issues trickled down from the c-suite.

Those bangs tho.

One person has....

Not to mention Identical Quintuplets.

Kinda like how a celebrity will say "I'm not gay" or "we're not engaged?" Let's just wait and see how this plays out. I honestly hope you're right.

I heard Malaak is a nasty, nasty person. Like "I'm rich and pretty so I don't need to be talking to you peasants" kind of nasty. That could explain (but not justify) why Chris cheated on her constantly, but a rumor is a rumor so I'm not gonna treat that as fact. I'm also not going to rule it out of the realm of

he becomes a werewolf after his 13th birthday? So Werewolf Bar Mitzvah spoke the truth?

This deserves to come out of the grays.