
This is the first time in my life I posted a "tweet" to my social media feeds. I kinda hate twitter, I think it's a b.s. company that the media embraces because it's scared of the internet and thinks users = relevance. the 128 character dumbfone revolution that powered Twitter overseas is long over and most foreigners

Or how many abused men. Men can abuse other men, and women can abuse men as well.

Thank you for this article. It makes you wonder how many other celebrities have abused women and had their people take care of it. Hopefully the Cosby/Ghomeshi revelations will have any other abusers quaking in their boots.

When you publicly make a lifelong commitment and break it 9 months later people are bound to treat you differently. Why does that surprise you?

I can't blame them. They hit the parental jackpot; and life's too short not to drive supercars, if your parents can afford it

Jezebel does not think this is funny, but I do

I was coming here to say this. The whole point of prison is to keep violent and highly manipulative people away from society. But in the US it more like a storage house for black guys who happened to annoy a cop once.

There are women who probably need to be in jail? Are they in jail? Are the women who are in jail the

This is a really weird way to announce a circumcision.

And yet I bet he's happier than any player who signed an extension with the Jets.

Upon receiving notice that Michael Sam beat up his boyfriend, he was subsequently re-instated and appointed team captain.

The sad thing is, Michael Sam has NOT been able to be a distraction from day-to-day NFL dysfunction.

Crush level: Knope.

Awful. +1

Normally this would be sad, but for how awful Mayweather is as a human being, this is fucking AWESOME.

His new personal trainer.

Welcome to the joys of looking "Middle Eastern," "Arab," "Muslim," etc...

Sort of like a Greek and a Turk. A Pakistani and an Indian.

I have friends from Israel. I've met people that have not openly wished death/harm on Arabs, but have made it abundantly clear that they hate them. It's quite surreal to have a conversation with someone and have them speak with such disgust about a general group of people.