
First Gizmodo says not worth buying by typing out a meeting/conversation the writers had word for word, now they say it has wi-fi problems.. I am not biased on way or the other, but the screen is fantastic worth the upgrade on that feature alone and as far as wifi problems, gimme a break.. the thing works perfect

I knew I'd get the handful of die hards that use ipads for everything to reply on this. The hard facts are though when you look at the market and how computers are used effectively in the business world, you need certain things from your system that apps cannot re-create. Can you imagine using MS Access on an iPad?

windows 8... what happens when you will actually be able to create meaningful content on a device in a pad form factor instead of just essentially consume content. Will Lion go on the iPad?

I still, and likely always will, make fun of any man in skinny jeans. Not everyone wants to look like the lead singer of Train. Men wear what is comfortable, women like you if you act like a man.

truly revolutionary

Whats the over/under on this guy being around longer than Apotheker was at HP? Lets Rock and Roll this thing.. You can doooit!

Sitting in a cell down at the county lockup, a conversation between two inmates was overheard, "Hey man, so yeah really sucks I got caught holding up a gas station with a gun I found, there was an undercover cop buying a coffee and I got hauled in. I hope my bail comes through and my baby's mamma takes care of it

Very simple answer to your very long comment:

Now THAT is bad ass!

If evidence to a crime is obtained without the correct judicial procedure, any lawyer worth a nickel will get the case thrown out. Our judicial system is still in place and law enforcement knows if they obtain information illegally that the work they did is meaningless in the end.

hate to break it to you, but no matter what smoke people blow up your ass, all carriers cooperate with FBI and CIA requests.. it's just the way it is. They are not reading the texts you send your girlfriend that you are going to be late for dinner..

yeah, because that comparison makes perfect sense Lego..

huh? Are you making some reference to carrier IQ or is this just a completely random unrelated and meaningless comment?

That is complete bullshit. Financial equality provided by a Government is not a right. It's your responsibility Richard to go put your big boy pants on and make your own money and place in society.

I have no issues with AT&T. Gizmodo seems to hate everything lately. First the Siri hater article nonstop on the front page for 2 days and now AT&T. Oh well, Merry Holidays

Mine usually says "I didn't quite get that", not "it didn't quite get that." #correction

Prime rules.. I buy things from Amazon almost every day and they never screw it up. In fact I bought an office chair yesterday, 50lbs shipping weight. Used $3 overnight and it was here this afternoon. Beat that, google.

sucks even worse?

Maybe she needs the jackhammer to get the plubming and drain run into the middle of the house for the sink table and dishwasher / oven cabinet.

Maybe not completely, but I have to say that in my experience so many more of this generation of workers are increasingly giving excuses about attention deficit disorder, have entitlement attitudes, and more interested in anything than success. It is just different than it used to be. I actually had an employee tell